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<TITLE>sane-devel: snapscan, problem in color mode : horizontal shift</TITLE>
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<H1>snapscan, problem in color mode : horizontal shift</H1>
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> <A HREF=",%20problem%20in%20color%20mode%20:%20horizontal%20shift&In-Reply-To=&lt;;"><EM></EM></A><BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Tue Jan 09 2001 - 14:01:03 PST
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Hi all,
<P>I own an AGFA snapscan 310, which works fine under windows. It works also fine
under Linux using SANE but only in LineArt and GreyScale. In color mode, I get
an horizontal shift. After let's 30 perfectly scanned lines, (even without
chroma offset), the next 30 lines are shifted right by around 30 dot, also
appreas some chroma offset, and so on, periodically I get a block of lines
without chroma offset, but still shifted right compared to the previous
30-lines-group of scanned lines.
<P>I couldn't find any faq, or mail in the archive of this mailing-list, or even
documentation about this behaviour. I've compiled and installed without any
problem the 1.0.4 backend and frontend packages. Maybe I did something in the
wrong way ?
<P>By the way, the size of the group of line depends on the width of the image,
(larger image get smaller group of line), as well of the resolution, (at 75 dpi,
I can get a reasonable size image without distortion, which is not true at 300
dpi). It makes me think about a memory (buffer) size problem ? But I'm not an
expert at all ... this is just a suggestions, in the case it can help understand
what is the problem.
<P>Thank you for any help.
<P>Edrusb Dalton.
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