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<TITLE>sane-devel: Trouble with Linotype Jade II on FreeBSD 4.0</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Chris Webb (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Trouble with Linotype Jade II on FreeBSD 4.0">
<H1>Trouble with Linotype Jade II on FreeBSD 4.0</H1>
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Chris Webb (<A HREF=";;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Mon May 15 2000 - 10:42:08 PDT
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I've been having great difficulty getting a new Linotype Jade II SCSI
scanner to work with SANE 1.0.1 on FreeBSD 4.0. The scanner is
recognised fine, but hangs the SCSI bus as soon as I try to do a
scanimage -T or scan anything in. I've tried doing a scanimage -T with
debugging turned on, with the following results:
<P># camcontrol devlist
&lt;IBM DNES-318350W SA30&gt; at scbus0 target 0 lun 0 (pass0,da0)
&lt;YAMAHA CRW4416S 1.0h&gt; at scbus0 target 1 lun 0 (pass1,cd0)
&lt;LinoHell Office2 V2.6&gt; at scbus0 target 2 lun 0 (pass2)
# scanimage -L
device `umax:/dev/scanner' is a LinoHell Office2 flatbed scanner
# export SANE_DEBUG_UMAX=12
# scanimage -T
[sanei_init_debug]: Setting debug level of umax to 12.
[umax] sane_init
[umax] This is sane-umax version 1.0 build 3
[umax] (C) 1997-1999 by Oliver Rauch
[umax] EMAIL: <A HREF="mailto:Oliver.Rauch@Wolfsburg.DE?Subject=Re:%20Trouble%20with%20Linotype%20Jade%20II%20on%20FreeBSD%204.0&In-Reply-To=&lt;;">Oliver.Rauch@Wolfsburg.DE</A>
[umax] attach_scanner: /dev/scanner
[umax] attach_scanner: opening /dev/scanner
[umax] init
[umax] backend runs on little endian machine
[umax] initialize_values
[umax] identify_scanner
[umax] do_inquiry
[umax] Found LinoHell scanner Office2 version V2.6 on device /dev/scanner
[umax] get_inquiry_values
[umax] INQUIRY:
[umax] ========
[umax] vendor........................: 'LinoHell'
[umax] product.......................: 'Office2 '
[umax] version.......................: 'V2.6'
[umax] CBHS value range..............: 0-255
[umax] scanmode......................: flatbed (FB)
[umax] inquiry block length..........: 160 bytes
[umax] ISO Version (reserved).......: 0
[umax] ECMA Version (reserved).......: 0
[umax] ANSI Version .................: 2
[umax] reserved byte 0x05 = 0
[umax] reserved byte 0x06 = 0
[umax] f/w support function:
[umax] ---------------------
[umax] - quality calibration
[umax] - fast preview function
[umax] reserved byte 0x36 = 0
[umax] reserved byte 0x37 = 0
[umax] scan modes:
[umax] -----------
[umax] - single pass color mode
[umax] - lineart mode
[umax] - gray mode
[umax] - color mode
[umax] - transparency (UTA)
[umax] scanner capability:
[umax] -------------------
[umax] - send high byte first
[umax] - bi-level image reverse
[umax] - multi-level image reverse
[umax] - paper length can reach to 14 inch
[umax] gamma download available
[umax] gamma download type 2
[umax] lines of gamma curve: one line (gray), three lines (color) download
[umax] gamma input 8 bits/pixel support
[umax] gamma input 10 bits/pixel support
[umax] gamma output 8 bits/pixel support
[umax] gamma output 10 bits/pixel support
[umax] reserved byte 0x65 = 0
[umax] reserved byte 0x67 = 0
[umax] reserved byte 0x6b = 0
[umax] reserved byte 0x6c = 0
[umax] color sequence............................: all supported
[umax] color ordering support....................: pixel
[umax] maximum video memory......................: 223 KB
[umax] reserved byte 0x72 = 0
[umax] maximum optical resolution................: 600 dpi
[umax] maximum x-resolution......................: 600 dpi
[umax] maximum y-resolution......................: 1200 dpi
[umax] FB (flatbed-mode):
[umax] FB maximum scan width.....................: 8.50 inch
[umax] FB maximum scan length....................: 14.00 inch
[umax] UTA (transparency-mode):
[umax] UTA x-original point......................: 0.00 inch
[umax] UTA y-original point......................: 0.00 inch
[umax] UTA maximum scan width....................: 8.50 inch
[umax] UTA maximum scan length...................: 11.70 inch
[umax] reserved byte 0x82 = 0
[umax] reserved byte 0x83 = 0
[umax] reserved byte 0x84 = 0
[umax] reserved byte 0x85 = 0
[umax] DOR (double optical resolution-mode):
[umax] DOR x-original point......................: 0.00 inch
[umax] DOR y-original point......................: 0.00 inch
[umax] DOR maximum scan width....................: 0.00 inch
[umax] DOR maximum scan length...................: 0.00 inch
[umax] reserved byte 0x8e = 0
[umax] last calibration lamp density.............: 0
[umax] reserved byte 0x90 = 0
[umax] lamp warmup maximum time..................: 0 sec
[umax] window descriptor block length............: 82 bytes
[umax] no analog gamma function
[umax] reserved byte 0x98 = 0
[umax] reserved byte 0x99 = 0
[umax] maximum calibration data lines for shading: 64
[umax] fb/uta: color line arrangement mode.......: 0
[umax] adf: color line arrangement mode.......: 0
[umax] CCD line distance.........................: 8
[umax] reserved byte 0x9e = 0
[umax] reserved byte 0x9f = 0
[umax] sane_get_devices
[umax] sane_open
[umax] Using 10 bits for gamma input
[umax] init_options
[umax] sane_start
[umax] initialize_values
[umax] grab_scanner
[umax] wait_scanner
[umax] scanner ready
[umax] scanner reserved
[umax] Using 10 bits for gamma input
[umax] Using 8 bits for output
[umax] check_values
[umax] using one pass scanning mode
[umax] scanner uses color-pixel-ordering
[umax] sane_get_parameters
[umax] x_resolution (dpi) = 100
[umax] y_resolution (dpi) = 100
[umax] x_coordinate_base (dpi) = 1200
[umax] y_coordinate_base (dpi) = 1200
[umax] upper_left_x (xbase) = 0
[umax] upper_left_y (ybase) = 0
[umax] scanwidth (xbase) = 10198
[umax] scanlength (ybase) = 16799
[umax] width in pixels = 850
[umax] length in pixels = 1399
[umax] bits per pixel/color = 8
[umax] bytes per line = 2550
[umax] pixels_per_line = 850
[umax] lines = 1399
[umax] negative = 0
[umax] threshold (lineart) = 127
[umax] brightness (halftone) = 0
[umax] contrast (halftone) = 0
[umax] analog_gamma = 0 0 0
[umax] highlight = 255 255 255
[umax] shadow = 0 0 0
[umax] calibrat. exposure time = 0 0 0
[umax] scan exposure time = 0 0 0
[umax] calibration = Use Image Composition
[umax] quality calibration = 0
[umax] fast preview function = 0
[umax] trying to reposition scanner ...
[umax] wait_scanner
[umax] scanner ready
[umax] scanner repositioned
[umax] set_window_param
[umax] window descriptor block created with 82 bytes
<P>... then a very long wait ...
<P>[umax] check condition sense handler
[umax] invalid sense key =&gt; handled as DEVICE BUSY!
[umax] start_scan
[umax] starting scan
[umax] check condition sense handler
[umax] invalid sense key =&gt; handled as DEVICE BUSY!
[umax] do_calibration
[umax] wait_scanner
[umax] check condition sense handler
[umax] invalid sense key =&gt; handled as DEVICE BUSY!
[umax] scanner reports Device busy, waiting ...
[umax] check condition sense handler
[umax] invalid sense key =&gt; handled as DEVICE BUSY!
[umax] check condition sense handler
[umax] invalid sense key =&gt; handled as DEVICE BUSY!
[umax] check condition sense handler
[umax] invalid sense key =&gt; handled as DEVICE BUSY!
<P>[umax] check condition sense handler
[umax] invalid sense key =&gt; handled as DEVICE BUSY!
[umax] scanner does not get ready
[umax] sane_get_parameters
[umax] reader_process started
[umax] reader_process: starting to READ data
scanimage: scanning image of size 850x1399 pixels at 24 bits/pixel
scanimage: acquiring RGB frame, 8 bits/sample
scanimage: reading one scanline, 2550 bytes... [umax] trim_rowbufsize:
row_bufsize = 61200 bytes = 24 lines
[umax] reading 3567450 bytes in blocks of 61200 bytes
[umax] read_image_data
[umax] wait_scanner
[umax] check condition sense handler
[umax] invalid sense key =&gt; handled as DEVICE BUSY!
[umax] scanner reports Device busy, waiting ...
[umax] check condition sense handler
[umax] invalid sense key =&gt; handled as DEVICE BUSY!
[umax] check condition sense handler
[umax] invalid sense key =&gt; handled as DEVICE BUSY!
[umax] check condition sense handler
[umax] invalid sense key =&gt; handled as DEVICE BUSY!
<P>[umax] check condition sense handler
[umax] invalid sense key =&gt; handled as DEVICE BUSY!
[umax] scanner does not get ready
[umax] umax_reader_process: unable to get image data from scanner!
[umax] sane_read: read 0 bytes
[umax] do_cancel
[umax] killing reader_process
[umax] reader_process: terminated by signal 15
[umax] reader_process killed
[umax] trying to reposition scanner ...
[umax] check condition sense handler
[umax] invalid sense key =&gt; handled as DEVICE BUSY!
[umax] trying to release scanner ...
[umax] check condition sense handler
[umax] invalid sense key =&gt; handled as DEVICE BUSY!
[umax] closing scannerdevice filedescriptor
[umax] close_pipe
FAIL Error: End of file reached
[umax] sane_cancel
[umax] sane_close
[umax] sane_exit
<P>... and the scanner now seems to have fallen off the SCSI bus
<P># camcontrol rescan all
[a very long wait]
Re-scan of bus 0 was successful
# camcontrol devlist
&lt;IBM DNES-318350W SA30&gt; at scbus0 target 0 lun 0 (pass0,da0)
&lt;YAMAHA CRW4416S 1.0h&gt; at scbus0 target 1 lun 0 (pass1,cd0)
<P>Does anyone have any guesses what's going wrong here? This is first time
I've tried to use SANE, so I'm not really sure what the likely pitfalls
are. FWIW, I'm running SANE 1.0.1 compiled up from the FreeBSD ports
tree, and the scanner is hanging off the same Adaptec 29160 card as my
system disk and CDRW.
<P>Thanks in advance for any pointers,
Chris Webb &lt;<A HREF=";;"></A>&gt; Office: +44 1299 404075
Arachsys Internet Services Ltd Mobile: +44 7801 090045
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