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<TITLE>sane-devel: Re: Softwares associated with scanning</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Marcel Pol (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Re: Softwares associated with scanning">
<H1>Re: Softwares associated with scanning</H1>
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Marcel Pol (<A HREF=";;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Sat May 06 2000 - 19:01:01 PDT
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On 06-May-00 Stephen Liu wrote:
<EM>&gt; Ciao, Henning,
<EM>&gt;&gt; &gt; 'PaperPort'
<EM>&gt;&gt; &gt; 'PageKeeper'
<EM>&gt;&gt; &gt; 'Pagis Pro'
<EM>&gt;&gt; &gt; 'OmniPage Pro'
<EM>&gt;&gt; &gt; 'OmniPage Form'
<P>I didn't try one of these, allthoug I have a copy of Omnipage form.
I got Presto Page Manager working under Wine.
This is a program which was written for Win 3.11, so it is 16 bit.
Mostly 16 bit programs should work rather fine under Wine.
<P>One thing about wine, it support mostly software, but not really hardware, so I
guess trying to scan under wine shall not work.
Sane is the best option for scanning.
<P>I did not do much testing with Presto as OCR program, because I just need it
once every few months.
I did have a problem with tiff files.
If I scanned an image with Sane or Xsane and saved it as a tiff file, I could
not get it loaded into Presto. Not under Wine and not under Windows.
I do not know what the problem is.
Could be Sane or the tiff-libraries or Presto, I don't know.
<P>The best thing is to try it out yourself.
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