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<!-- received="Thu Nov 26 16:05:28 1998 PST" -->
<!-- sent="Thu, 26 Nov 1998 19:05:21 -0500 (EST)" -->
<!-- name="Chris Pinkham" -->
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<!-- subject="Re: Fw: ViewStation AT3/A6000C Plus Reference Document" -->
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<title>sane-devel: Re: Fw: ViewStation AT3/A6000C Plus Reference Document</title>
<h1>Re: Fw: ViewStation AT3/A6000C Plus Reference Document</h1>
<b>Chris Pinkham</b> (<a href=""><i></i></a>)<br>
<i>Thu, 26 Nov 1998 19:05:21 -0500 (EST)</i>
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<i>&gt; For those interested I got this document from Artec/Ultima directly.</i><br>
<i>&gt; It contains all specs required for writing drivers for those scanners.</i><br>
Those are the same docs which are available on my website which is linked<br>
to from the main SANE site. Someone at Artec sent them to me at least 4<br>
months ago. I also have docs for the AT12 available for download online.<br>
Now what I need is docs for the AT6 model (which I have asked for, but<br>
as of yet have not received a response).<br>
** Chris Pinkham Linux v2.0.35, Sane v1.00, GIMP v1.0 **<br>
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