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<!-- received="Sat Nov 21 21:19:38 1998 PST" -->
<!-- sent="Sat, 21 Nov 1998 21:19:36 -0800" -->
<!-- name="David Mosberger-Tang" -->
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<!-- subject="SANE v1.00 is out!" -->
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<title>sane-devel: SANE v1.00 is out!</title>
<h1>SANE v1.00 is out!</h1>
<b>David Mosberger-Tang</b> (<a href=""><i></i></a>)<br>
<i>Sat, 21 Nov 1998 21:19:36 -0800</i>
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Well, in theory at least. In practice, seems to be<br>
down (be easy on the guys at Red Hat---I think they're in the middle<br>
of an office move so these things can happen...). Since<br> is down, I uploaded it to tsx-11 and sunsite only. I<br>
hope they'll show up tomorrow (Sunday Nov 21).<br>
In any case, in theory there should be three files:<br>
1168 Nov 21 20:37 sane-1.00.lsm<br>
844030 Nov 21 20:38 sane-1.00.tar.gz<br>
213909 Nov 21 20:37 sane-0.74-1.00.diff.gz<br>
The relevant part from the NEWS file is appended to this mail. It's<br>
very long! Thanks to everybody making contributions and keeping<br>
things up to date!<br>
In celebration of the 1.00 release, let's all have a virtual beer!<br>
Prost! ;-))<br>
New with 1.00:<br>
* Upgraded to libtool-1.2.<br>
This reportedly gets SANE to build on Solaris versions with a<br>
broken printf.<br>
* saned<br>
Matching of hostnames is no longer case-sensitive.<br>
* New Abaton backend (by David Huggins-Daines)<br>
Supports "Scan 300/GS" and may work with "Scan 300/S" but the<br>
latter is untested.<br>
* New Agfa Focus backend (by Karl Anders <20>ygard)<br>
o AGFA Focus GS (6 bit gray scale) (untested)<br>
o AGFA Focus Lineart (lineart) (untested)<br>
o AGFA Focus II (8 bit gray scale) (untested)<br>
o Siemens S9036 (8 bit gray scale) (untested)<br>
o AGFA Focus Color (24 bit color 3-pass)<br>
o AGFA Focus Color Plus (24 bit color 3-pass)<br>
* New Kodak DC210 still camera backend (by Brian J. Murrell)<br>
* New Ricoh backend (by Feico Dillema).<br>
* New HP backend.<br>
The backend formerly known as "xhp" is now the default HP backend.<br>
This backend should support HP scanners much better and was<br>
contributed by Geoffrey Dairiki and Peter Kirchgessner.<br>
- Added support for HP 6200C<br>
- Suppress halftone mode on photosmart (it is not supported)<br>
- Show calibrate button on photoscanner only for print media<br>
- Add media selection for photoscanner<br>
- Cleanup hp_scsi_s structure<br>
* Updated apple backend (by Milon Firikis).<br>
Now you should be able to scan from ColorOneScanners (in non color<br>
modes) and maybe from OneScanners (untested).<br>
* Updated Artec backend (by Chris Pinkham).<br>
* Updated Kodak DC25 backend (by Peter Fales).<br>
* Updated Microtek backend (by Matto Marjanovic).<br>
- Fix segfault on exit due to unnecessary free() in sane_close().<br>
- Fix to red channel shift bug (which crept in during rewrite of<br>
color-handling code). <br>
- Addition of "patch level" to version codes. <br>
* Updated Microtek2 backend<br>
- Added support for ScanMaker 330, ScanMaker 636, ScanMaker E3plus,<br>
ScanMaker X6 and Phantom 636.<br>
- Other improvements (this includes support for automatic document feeders<br>
and transparency adapters, missing option descriptions were added).<br>
- Updated the manual page.<br>
* Updated Mustek backend (patches by Andreas Bolsch and Heiko Schroeder)<br>
- Heiko's patch should make resolutions &gt;300dpi work for MFS-6000CX.<br>
Andreas's patches:<br>
- Should work with ScanExpress 6000SP, 12000SP as well as older models<br>
- Bug with MFS-12000SP corrected (poined out by Daniel Deckers)<br>
- Bug which caused xscanimage to crash after color preview corrected<br>
- Improvement(?) in high resolution<br>
Important Notes for ScanExpress models:<br>
- Resolutions below 60 dpi don't work (firmware problem).<br>
- Resolutions &gt;300 dpi (6000 SP) or &gt;600 dpi (12000 SP) result in<br>
different x/y-resolution as 6000 SP and 12000 SP have in fact only<br>
300 dpi and 600 dpi CCD sensors, respectively.<br>
- Resolutions &gt;300dpi in color mode sometimes result in corrupted images<br>
(parts duplicated/shifted *HORIZONTALLY*) depending on hardware<br>
configuration. Killing all other applications and disabling swap<br>
(if sufficient physical memory available) may help. <br>
I added some code which writes to every page of the buffer prior <br>
to scanning to fool the memory management and scanned a full page<br>
color scan with 600dpi * 1200dpi. Very slow but image seemed ok<br>
after pnmscale. <br>
- Max. scan area: 0-216mm (hor.), 2.5-294.5mm (ver.)<br>
The scanners can't scan the first 2.5mm (ver.), so you *MUST*<br>
specify the scan area according to this restriction!<br>
- The scanners support only lineart (1 bpp), gray (8 bpp), color (24 bpp).<br>
Although the scanners have 10 bit (6000 SP) or 12 bit (12000 SP) <br>
A/D-converters, they can send only 8 bit values to the host.<br>
The higher resolution may only be used via gamma table.<br>
- For compatibility only 256 entry gamma tables may be specified, the<br>
actual gamma table sent to the scanner is linearly interpolated from it.<br>
- In lineart mode only brightness may be adjusted. <br>
- Cover open/closed reported only via debug output and ignored otherwise.<br>
- Use of SCSI card supplied with scanner is *NOT* recommended. (Don't<br>
forget termination!)<br>
* Updated UMAX backend (by Oliver Rauch)<br>
- added output of umax-backend-version in sane_init<br>
- added Linotype Hell Jade2 (Vobis ScanBoostar Premium)<br>
SCSI-ID "LinoHell","Office2" as supported scanner<br>
- changed base of calculation of scanwidth and scanlegth from<br>
pixel to resolutionbase (1/300, 1/600 or 1/1200 inch)<br>
- changed calculation for width in pixels for lineart mode<br>
- changed selection for calibration mode<br>
- added inquiry for UMUX UC1200SE<br>
- corrected 12/36-bit-mode in send_gamma_data and array in umax.h<br>
* Updated SnapScan backend to v0.5 (by Kevin Charter)<br>
- bug fixes (Wolfgang, David)<br>
- addition of threshold control for lineart mode (Mikko)<br>
- Vuego 310S support (Wolfgang)<br>
- default scan area now maximal (Kevin)<br>
Source code, list archive, and docs: <a href=""></a>
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<li> <b>Next message:</b> <a href="0194.html">Sebastian Erdmann: "Re: Patch for Microtek ScanMaker X6 (microtek2 backend)"</a>
<li> <b>Previous message:</b> <a href="0192.html">Brian J. Murrell: "Where to submit patches for a new backend?"</a>
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<li> <b>Next in thread:</b> <a href="0207.html">Christian Reiser: "Re: SANE v1.00 is out!"</a>
<li> <b>Reply:</b> <a href="0207.html">Christian Reiser: "Re: SANE v1.00 is out!"</a>
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