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<!-- received="Sun Nov 1 22:53:44 1998 PST" -->
<!-- sent="Sun, 1 Nov 1998 23:11:03 -0500" -->
<!-- name="Catalog Editor" -->
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<!-- subject="GNU Software Catalog: @item @code{sane}" -->
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<title>sane-devel: GNU Software Catalog: @item @code{sane}</title>
<h1>GNU Software Catalog: @item @code{sane}</h1>
<b>Catalog Editor</b> (<a href=""><i></i></a>)<br>
<i>Sun, 1 Nov 1998 23:11:03 -0500</i>
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<li> <b>Next message:</b> <a href="0004.html">David Mosberger-Tang: "Re: GNU Software Catalog: @item @code{sane}"</a>
<li> <b>Previous message:</b> <a href="0002.html">Michelle McKenzie: "Scanner"</a>
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<li> <b>Next in thread:</b> <a href="0004.html">David Mosberger-Tang: "Re: GNU Software Catalog: @item @code{sane}"</a>
<li> <b>Reply:</b> <a href="0004.html">David Mosberger-Tang: "Re: GNU Software Catalog: @item @code{sane}"</a>
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Hello. I am editing the GNU Software Catalog. Our records<br>
indicate that you should review text that appeared in our March 1998<br>
Bulletin; the text you should review is appended to the end of this<br>
message. We appreciate the work you have done; depending upon space<br>
and other issues to be decided as time goes on, we would like to<br>
include your information in the catalog. Of course,<br>
information about the GNU Project and its programs have priority.<br>
To help us provide complete and up-to-date information about you and<br>
your contribution to the information in the catalog, would you please:<br>
1) reply to me saying that this information is correct as it stands,<br>
2) send me an updated version of this information (please make it as<br>
*short* as possible, perhaps shorter than the previous entry;<br>
space is always at a premium),<br>
3) indicate that you do not want this information to be mentioned in<br>
the catalog.<br>
(I really need to get some sort of reply from you *soon*, even if it<br>
is just to say that you are too busy to update the information,<br>
no longer responsible for the program or product indicated in<br>
the text you received, or unable to give me an update at this time<br>
for some other reason. If you are no longer responsible for<br>
the items described in the text, please let me know who is<br>
responsible, so I may contact them. If your update must be<br>
delayed, I will keep track of this, and send you a reminder in a<br>
few days.)<br>
We are not willing to print the appended information (except for the<br>
brief descriptions about GNU programs) until and unless we receive a<br>
reply from you regarding this information. The catalog is<br>
distributed to thousands of people, and therefore we need to insure<br>
that the information within is correct.<br>
Please try to respond within the next few days.<br>
I *must* have a reply from you by Thursday, Nov 5.<br>
However, I will send a reminder every few days to everyone I have<br>
not heard from until I do hear from you.<br>
If I do not receive a reply from you by Nov 5, I can not<br>
include any information about you in the catalog. Our<br>
printing deadline is Nov 12. We spend this time between<br>
receiving all the replies and the actual deadline doing the layout,<br>
writing new articles, and contacting other information sources. It is<br>
very difficult to do all these tasks and also be trying to reach people<br>
for last minute updates.<br>
If you have any questions, you may email them to me at the address<br>
<a href=""></a>, or you may contact our distribution office<br>
by telephone at +1-617-542-5942 or by fax at +1-617-542-2652.<br>
I can not overemphasize that the text you send me needs to be brief.<br>
If what you send is not short enough, we (the editors) will<br>
edit it to fit. I'm sorry if it doesn't end up saying exactly what<br>
you want it to say as a result.<br>
I apologize in advance to those who get this letter more than once.<br>
However, each copy will include a different segment from the March 1998<br>
Bulletin. Therefore, please make sure to respond regarding all<br>
information that I have asked you to update. Any segments unaccounted<br>
for can not be included.<br>
Thank you very much.<br>
Brian Jepson<br>
*** BEGIN current working copy of GNU's Bulletin text<br>
@item @code{sane}<br>
SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy) is a universal scanner interface.<br>
The value of such a universal interface is that it allows writing<br>
just one driver per image acquisition device<br>
rather than one driver for each device and application.<br>
So, if you have three applications and four devices,<br>
traditionally you'd have had to write 12 different programs.<br>
With SANE, this number is reduced to seven:<br>
the three applications plus the four drivers.<br>
Of course, the savings get even bigger as more and<br>
more drivers and/or applications are added.<br>
*** END Bulletin text<br>
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<li> <b>Next message:</b> <a href="0004.html">David Mosberger-Tang: "Re: GNU Software Catalog: @item @code{sane}"</a>
<li> <b>Previous message:</b> <a href="0002.html">Michelle McKenzie: "Scanner"</a>
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<li> <b>Next in thread:</b> <a href="0004.html">David Mosberger-Tang: "Re: GNU Software Catalog: @item @code{sane}"</a>
<li> <b>Reply:</b> <a href="0004.html">David Mosberger-Tang: "Re: GNU Software Catalog: @item @code{sane}"</a>
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