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<!-- received="Sat Oct 10 20:09:21 1998 PDT" -->
<!-- sent="Sat, 10 Oct 1998 23:07:27 -0400" -->
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<!-- subject="Transparency adapter for UMAX 1220S" -->
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<title>sane-devel: Transparency adapter for UMAX 1220S</title>
<h1>Transparency adapter for UMAX 1220S</h1>
<b>Peter Rasmussen</b> (<a href=""><i></i></a>)<br>
<i>Sat, 10 Oct 1998 23:07:27 -0400</i>
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Having now acquired a transparency adapter for my UMAX 1220S scanner, I would<br>
like to be able to use it with SANE as well as the flatbed scanner part, but<br>
I seem to have run into some problems. Not being able to find anything in the<br>
sane-develop archives I am turning to the list. If I did in fact overlook<br>
something, please feel free to tell me where it is in the language of your<br>
choice :-)<br>
My problem may not be SANE, but the Linux kernel that I am using (2.1.125),<br>
however, I suspect that you guys on this list may have more knowledge about<br>
this particular issue than the linux-kernel folks.<br>
When I do not connect the transparency adapter to the scanner everything seems<br>
to work fine (mostly) and I can scan pictures to my hearts content, but when I<br>
connect the transparency adapter and reboot Linux (I don't know if I have to do<br>
this, but it is just to be sure) the scanner is not recognized at all. Nothing<br>
appears in /proc/scsi/scsi, nor is find-scanner able to detect it.<br>
I know my Linux kernel is a development version, so that might have some<br>
influence, but almost all kernels since 2.1.119 have behaved very well for me<br>
for everything else I do. I just got the transparency adapter and have only<br>
tried it with the latest kernel.<br>
My SCSI card is an Adaptec 1542B and SANE is the latest 0.74. My Linux distribu-<br>
tion is Slackware (I think it was 3.0) updated to compile and run the latest<br>
Has anyone here any experience with the transparency adapter for UMAX scanners<br>
especially 1220S of course, because then I would very much appreciate your<br>
advice? The SANE documerntation briefly mentions the transparency adapter, but<br>
when I for example run xscanimage, that option doesn't exist (even as a greyed<br>
out non-selectable option) so I wonder if it has in fact been tested?<br>
Thank you very much for your time,<br>
main(){char*s="O_&gt;&gt;^PQAHBbPQAHBbPOOH^^PAAHBJPAAHBbPA_H&gt;BB";int i,j,k,l,m,n;
putchar(l&lt;6-j?' ':l==40-j?'\n':k&amp;&amp;s[n]&amp;k?'*':' ');}
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