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<!-- received="Tue Jan 27 17:44:12 1998 PST" -->
<!-- sent="Mon, 26 Jan 1998 18:58:24 +0100 (MET)" -->
<!-- name="Oliver.Rauch@Wolfsburg.DE" -->
<!-- email="Oliver.Rauch@Wolfsburg.DE" -->
<!-- subject="Re: Astra 6X0S-patch available" -->
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<title>sane-devel: Re: Astra 6X0S-patch available</title>
<h1>Re: Astra 6X0S-patch available</h1>
<a href="mailto:Oliver.Rauch@Wolfsburg.DE"><i>Oliver.Rauch@Wolfsburg.DE</i></a><br>
<i>Mon, 26 Jan 1998 18:58:24 +0100 (MET)</i>
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<i>&gt; my Astra 610S</i><br>
<i>&gt; </i><br>
<i>&gt; Grey mode : The output from a scan of the full scan area starts with a</i><br>
<i>&gt; black area and the scanner stops before reaching the end of the scan</i><br>
<i>&gt; area. (The unscanned area have the same size as the black area).</i><br>
Hm, don't know where the black area come from!<br>
Did you use sane before, has there been the black area at versions before<br>
this patch or before sane-0.69?<br>
Did you try sane-0.69?<br>
Which SCSI-Controller do you use?<br>
I think there are two possibilities:<br>
1) I changed something form sane-0.68 to sane-0.69 that does not<br>
work with your scanner or scsi-card<br>
2) the driver if your scsi-card does not work the way it is suppused<br>
to do.<br>
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