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<!-- received="Mon Jan 26 06:23:46 1998 PST" -->
<!-- sent="Mon, 26 Jan 1998 09:23:41 -0500" -->
<!-- name="Christoph Doerbeck" -->
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<!-- subject="Which version of SANE/Gimp work well together..." -->
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<title>sane-devel: Which version of SANE/Gimp work well together...</title>
<h1>Which version of SANE/Gimp work well together...</h1>
<b>Christoph Doerbeck</b> (<a href=""><i></i></a>)<br>
<i>Mon, 26 Jan 1998 09:23:41 -0500</i>
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I made some noise a few months back about presenting a little<br>
segment about SANE to my local Linux Users group. Well, now<br>
I'm scheduled for March 18th, and I'd like to get a refresh about<br>
the current state of SANE.<br>
The version I'm running (I'm not at home, so I forget which it is exactly)<br>
is a good 6 months old and it's working 98% well. But from what I've<br>
seen in regards to the recents changes to the Gimp, GTK, and SANE,<br>
I wonder if it's worth my efforts to struggle and get "current" sources<br>
working. Any advice, recommendations? I'll gladly make my documentation<br>
and slides available to you when they are complete...<br>
- Christoph<br>
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