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<TITLE>sane-devel: Re: compiling latest sane on PowerPC Linux</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Mehul N. Sanghvi (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Re: compiling latest sane on PowerPC Linux">
<H1>Re: compiling latest sane on PowerPC Linux</H1>
<!-- received="Tue Jul 17 05:48:57 2001" -->
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Mehul N. Sanghvi (<A HREF=";;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Tue Jul 17 2001 - 06:06:09 PDT
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I believe the other person would be me. PowerMac 7100, Linux 2.4.x is
what I have.
<P>I am going to try 1.0.4 and see what happens with that. I know
someone at LinuxPPC has made a RPM of it. I will see what I can find
from the source RPM in regards to patches/fixes/changes.
<P><P><EM>&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; Major A writes:
<P>Andras&gt; Fred,
<P><EM>&gt;&gt; I've downloaded the lastest sane (1.0.5) or my PowerPC Linux
<EM>&gt;&gt; system. The systems is glibc 2.1.3 and kernel 2.4.6 debian
<EM>&gt;&gt; based. I get errors saying inb and outb are undefined.
<P>Andras&gt; We had someone else on the list who had a very similar problem. You
Andras&gt; are running debian with a 2.4.x kernel (i.e. you built it yourself),
Andras&gt; and I have the same set-up (on i386 and alpha machines though).
<P>Andras&gt; Note that a debian install has its own /usr/include/asm and
Andras&gt; /usr/include/linux directories, so if you build your own kernel, it
Andras&gt; might be worth replacing them by symbolic links to the two relevant
Andras&gt; directories in /usr/src/linux/include (I hope you keep your kernel
Andras&gt; source there).
<P><EM>&gt;&gt; A check through the kernl header files yields no definitions
<EM>&gt;&gt; except in one of the asm headers. Including the asm
<EM>&gt;&gt; header did not work so I suspect the problem was at
<EM>&gt;&gt; the linker stage.
<P>Andras&gt; Is it the ld command that complains? If so, you have the same problem
Andras&gt; as that other user (can't remember their name).
<P><EM>&gt;&gt; Doesn't inb and outb have something to do with the ISA bus?
<EM>&gt;&gt; My PowerPC machine has no ISA bus.
<P>Andras&gt; It has to do with the stupid I/O handling on i386 machines. If you ask
Andras&gt; me, it should not really be needed for any other architecture. Maybe
Andras&gt; it just makes writing cross-platform stuff easier to keep it for all
Andras&gt; platforms.
<P>Andras&gt; Hope this helps, any corrections are welcome.
<P>Andras&gt; Andras
<P>Andras&gt; ===========================================================================
Andras&gt; Major Andr<64>s
Andras&gt; e-mail: <A HREF=";;"></A>
Andras&gt; www: <A HREF=""></A>
Andras&gt; ===========================================================================
<P>Andras&gt; --
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