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<TITLE>sane-devel: Re: Compiling on OS/2</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Franz Bakan (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Re: Compiling on OS/2">
<H1>Re: Compiling on OS/2</H1>
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Franz Bakan (<A HREF=";;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Thu May 31 2001 - 16:01:58 PDT
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<P>On Thu, 31 May 2001 19:06:16 +0200, Henning Meier-Geinitz wrote:
<P><EM>&gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; sanei_scsi.c:line: initializer element for `param[0].u' is not
<EM>&gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; computable at load time
<EM>&gt;&gt; &gt;
<EM>&gt;&gt; &gt;At which line is this error? I would think it's on 2432-2439,
<EM>&gt;&gt; no its at line 3369ff
<EM>&gt;Ah, that's the special case for OS/2. Looks like a bug.
<EM>&gt;&gt; btw. in version 1.03 (line 2133) these variables were static.
<EM>&gt;&gt; (So I got the idea to make them static to get it compiled and
<EM>&gt;&gt; it worked)
<EM>&gt;I think the correct fix is to don't use an initializer but to set the
<EM>&gt;values manually as in the non-os/2 version. This was changed by Abel
<EM>&gt;Deuring on 2001-01-07 but only for the non-os/2 version. I will change
<EM>&gt;that, please try when the change has been commited to cvs.
<P>Thanks I will try
<P><EM>&gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; 2. sane/sane-backends/backend/qcam.c
<EM>&gt;&gt; &gt;&gt;
<EM>&gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; I have to change
<EM>&gt;&gt; &gt;&gt;
<EM>&gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; struct flock sfl;
<EM>&gt;&gt; &gt;&gt;
<EM>&gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; to
<EM>&gt;&gt; &gt;&gt;
<EM>&gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; struct
<EM>&gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; { off_t l_start;
<EM>&gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; off_t l_len;
<EM>&gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; pid_t l_pid;
<EM>&gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; short l_type;
<EM>&gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; short l_whence;
<EM>&gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; } sfl;
<EM>&gt;&gt; &gt;
<EM>&gt;&gt; &gt;Could you check if this struct is defined in any of your system
<EM>&gt;&gt; &gt;headers? If it isn't, we can probably do some kind of configure magic
<EM>&gt;&gt; &gt;to define it if it isn't.
<EM>&gt;&gt; No it's not defined in the system-headers /emx/include/...
<EM>&gt;Ok. I will think about how to fix it. Would it help if it's defined in
<P>I think this should work.
<P><P><EM>&gt;&gt; After this I had to change the makefiles.
<EM>&gt;&gt; I had to change
<EM>&gt;&gt; sh LIBTOOL = ../libtool
<EM>&gt;&gt; to
<EM>&gt;&gt; LIBTOOL = ../libtool
<EM>&gt;&gt; in some makefiles
<EM>&gt;Could you explain where this is located exactly? I don't understand
<EM>&gt;what &quot;sh LIBTOOL = ../libtool&quot; should do and how the line was
<P>It must be a bug in os2unix (the 'configure' replacement)
I will report this to the autor.
<P><EM>&gt;&gt; I used
<EM>&gt;&gt; GCC -Zexe -Zcrtdll -Zsysv-signals -o scanimage scanimage.o
<EM>&gt;&gt; stiff.o -lbsd -lsocket -lm /emx/lib/iberty.a ../backend/.libs/libsane.a
<EM>&gt;&gt; ../lib/liblib.a /XFree86/lib/shm.a /emx/lib/syslog.a /emx/lib/socket.a
<EM>&gt;&gt; to get the static linked executable.
<EM>&gt;Ok, looks a bit complicated :-) Could you write down this procedure
<EM>&gt;and put it on a webpage for other OS/2 users? So we could add a link
<EM>&gt;on the SANE web page to it. If you can't, I could put it somewhere on
<EM>&gt;my website.
<P>Yes I will do this and place this info on my web-site and let you know
when and where it is available.
<P><EM>&gt;forking is such an essential programming technique that I don't think
<EM>&gt;we should change anything in this part of the code. However, there
<EM>&gt;seem to exist a way to use it with OS/2 because Mustek-Scanners seem
<EM>&gt;to work and the mustek backend uses fork for the reader process.
<P>Yes I know, also when 'forking' is not recommended on OS/2
(the emx-gcc library-docs say 'inefficient') the forking backends
could be probably made working correctly whith changes to the
OS/2 specific code in sanei_scsi.c.
I managed to compile a 1.03 version that worked for my old
Mustek-Scanner, but it was not perfect, worked only with one
specific version of aspirout.sys and stopped working
when I upgraded to OS/2 Fixpack 15.
So there has to be done some further investigation and
<P><EM>&gt;&gt; USB-Scanners will also not work...
<EM>&gt;maybe we can support them when we write a sanei_usb.c provided that
<EM>&gt;there is USB support in OS/2.
<P>Yes but someone has to implement an OS/2-USB support devicedriver
like aspirout.sys which does this part for SCSI
<P><EM>&gt;&gt; I did not try yet to compile any of the frontends
<EM>&gt;&gt; (xscanimage or xcam)
<EM>&gt;&gt; I am not shure, but I thought this frontends depend on
<EM>&gt;&gt; libsane.dll which I do not know how to compile...
<EM>&gt;You can also link the X frontends statically against libsane.a (at
<EM>&gt;least on Unix. I don't know howver about the requirements concerning
<EM>&gt;gtk and X (does they even exist on OS/2?).
<P>They exist and I will perhaps try to build a statical version of
<P>Thanks for your answers.
<P>So long
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