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<TITLE>sane-devel: Re: Compiling on OS/2</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Franz Bakan (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Re: Compiling on OS/2">
<H1>Re: Compiling on OS/2</H1>
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Franz Bakan (<A HREF=";;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Wed May 30 2001 - 16:54:57 PDT
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thanks for responding
<P>On Wed, 30 May 2001 22:52:22 +0200, Henning Meier-Geinitz wrote:
<P><EM>&gt;&gt; there are some problems:
<EM>&gt;&gt; 1. sane-backends/sanei/sanei_scsi.c
<EM>&gt;&gt; I get an error in sane-backends\sanei\sanei_scsi.c
<EM>&gt;&gt; sanei_scsi.c:line: initializer element for `param[0].u' is not
<EM>&gt;&gt; computable at load time
<EM>&gt;At which line is this error? I would think it's on 2432-2439,
<P>no its at line 3369ff
btw. in version 1.03 (line 2133) these variables were static.
(So I got the idea to make them static to get it compiled and
it worked)
<P><EM>&gt;So I just don't understand this. By the way: Does it work if you use
<EM>&gt;&quot;configure --disable-warnigs&quot;? The warnings will be disabled for
I did not try, I will try when I have time.
It's not a warning, it's an error.
does --disable-warnings change what is treated as error?
<EM>&gt;&gt; 2. sane/sane-backends/backend/qcam.c
<EM>&gt;&gt; I have to change
<EM>&gt;&gt; struct flock sfl;
<EM>&gt;&gt; to
<EM>&gt;&gt; struct
<EM>&gt;&gt; { off_t l_start;
<EM>&gt;&gt; off_t l_len;
<EM>&gt;&gt; pid_t l_pid;
<EM>&gt;&gt; short l_type;
<EM>&gt;&gt; short l_whence;
<EM>&gt;&gt; } sfl;
<EM>&gt;Could you check if this struct is defined in any of your system
<EM>&gt;headers? If it isn't, we can probably do some kind of configure magic
<EM>&gt;to define it if it isn't.
<P>No it's not defined in the system-headers /emx/include/...
<EM>&gt;&gt; 3. in sane/sane-backends/lib/*.c
<EM>&gt;&gt; I have to change
<EM>&gt;&gt; #include &quot;config.h&quot;
<EM>&gt;&gt; to
<EM>&gt;&gt; #include &lt;config.h&gt;
<EM>&gt;In principle, this should work with &quot;config.h&quot; because the include
<EM>&gt;dirs are -I$(top_builddir)/include/sane -I$(top_srcdir)/include and
<EM>&gt;config.h is in include/sane. Could you have a look into the Makefile
<EM>&gt;and check, if these entries are the same (INCLUDES)?
<EM>&gt;But usually we use &quot;../include/sane/config.h&quot; or at least
<EM>&gt;&quot;sane/config.h&quot;. I don't know why it doesn't work for you and why it
<EM>&gt;does with &lt;config.h&gt;.
<P>I think it should be &quot;../include/sane/config.h&quot;
I think &lt;config.h&gt; is searched in the include-path
and &quot;config.h&quot; is treated as absolute path
<EM>&gt;If nobody objects, I will change this in CVS. David left out lib/
<EM>&gt;when he changed config.h to sane/config.h but I don' know, why.
<EM>&gt;&gt; Perhaps these problems could be solved in the sources.
<EM>&gt;We will try.
<EM>&gt;Some questions: Did you compile sane-backends without any other
<EM>&gt;changes than mentioned above just by using ./configure ; make ; make
<EM>&gt;install? Whic version of OS/2 and which compiler + version are you
<EM>&gt;using? SANE is statically linked to scanimage? Is it possible to use
<EM>&gt;the X frontends xscanimage and xcam?
<P>Additionally I had to add
to config.h
<P>I did not use ./configure but a tool called os2unix.cmd
version 1.5 by Jun SAWATAISHI &lt;<A HREF=";;"></A>&gt;
which is available from
<A HREF=""></A>
<P>After this I had to change the makefiles.
I had to change
sh LIBTOOL = ../libtool
LIBTOOL = ../libtool
in some makefiles
<P>Then it compiled but did not link
I had to remove the umax_pp backend because of undefined references
'_outb' and such things...
<P>and I had to add manually some libs to the link-command which I executed in
<P>I used
<P>GCC -Zexe -Zcrtdll -Zsysv-signals -o scanimage scanimage.o
&nbsp;stiff.o -lbsd -lsocket -lm /emx/lib/iberty.a ../backend/.libs/libsane.a
&nbsp;../lib/liblib.a /XFree86/lib/shm.a /emx/lib/syslog.a /emx/lib/socket.a
<P>to get the static linked executable.
<P>It works with my EPSON GT-9500 scanner.
But this version will not work with any of the 'fork()' backends
without further changes to sanei_scsi.c - or 'unforking' the
backends ;-)
USB-Scanners will also not work...
<P>I did not get a dll because I don't know how to manage this
I am only an amateur programmer ;-)
<P>I am using OS/2 version 4 Fixpack 15 and the gcc version of
emx (version 'emxfix04')
<P>I did not try yet to compile any of the frontends
(xscanimage or xcam)
I am not shure, but I thought this frontends depend on
libsane.dll which I do not know how to compile...
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