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<TITLE>sane-devel: Re: Compile problems (and fixes) for 1.0.4</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="oliver.rauch@Wolfsburg.DE (oliver.rauch@Wolfsburg.DE)">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Re: Compile problems (and fixes) for 1.0.4">
<H1>Re: Compile problems (and fixes) for 1.0.4</H1>
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> <A HREF="mailto:oliver.rauch@Wolfsburg.DE?Subject=Re:%20Compile%20problems%20(and%20fixes)%20for%201.0.4&In-Reply-To=&lt;;"><EM>oliver.rauch@Wolfsburg.DE</EM></A><BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Thu Dec 28 2000 - 01:12:44 PST
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Derrell Lipman wrote:
<EM>&gt; Hi. I downloaded all the latest SANE stuff today.
<EM>&gt; - sane-1.0.3 compiled and installed fine, , but caused problems
<EM>&gt; for sane-frontends-1.0.4 and xsane-0.68.
<EM>&gt; On RedHat 7.0, the LIBS line in sane-config must contain -ldl or the
<EM>&gt; sane-frontends-1.0.4 and xsane-0.68 installations fail.
<EM>&gt; LIBS=&quot;-lnsl -lm -ljpeg -ldl&quot;
<P>Hi Derrell,
<P>when you compile sane-backends without special options for configure
it should compile as shared library. dl is linked to the shared libraries
libsane-*.so* . When you link a program against libsane-*.so* it should
use tbe link to dl.
When you compile everything static, the backends are preloaded into libsane.a.
So when I don<6F>t forget anything we do not need dl when we use static linking.
<P>So in my opinion everything should be ok, but may be I forgot something here.
<P>How did you compile it (configure options, anything special)?
<P><EM>&gt; (Also, looking at it now, -lm should generally be the *last* library
<EM>&gt; linked, as anything could end up using it. It didn't make a
<EM>&gt; difference here, though.)
That is correct because it could make problems with static linking,
for shared libs we do not need to care about the order of the libs.
<P><EM>&gt; - sane-frontends-1.0.4 would not install. The first problem was the
<EM>&gt; sane-config issue discussed above. Secondly, two makefiles needs to
<EM>&gt; be modified (they appear to have some local munging that didn't get
<EM>&gt; removed before the release).
<EM>&gt; src/Makefile and doc/Makefile both require changing:
<EM>&gt; INSTALL = ../'/usr/bin/install -c'
<EM>&gt; to
<EM>&gt; INSTALL = /usr/bin/install -c
<P>The Makefile is created from by the configure script.
The variable INSTALL that is used for this is set up by a standard
function of autoconf and I do not think that there is a problem with
this. Is it possible that your system is not set up correct?
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