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<TITLE>sane-devel: 1.0.3 snapscan interface</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Lawrence Glaister (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="1.0.3 snapscan interface">
<H1>1.0.3 snapscan interface</H1>
<!-- received="Sun Sep 24 17:55:42 2000" -->
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<!-- subject="1.0.3 snapscan interface" -->
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Lawrence Glaister (<A HREF=";02b001c0268c$3aed96e0$bf0aa8c0@dufusiii&gt;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Sun Sep 24 2000 - 18:02:08 PDT
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Thanks for the pointer Steve,
I have been digging further and you are right, TxSource is returning 0 bytes
on a regular basis. It turns out that the read in FDSource_get() is hitting
the EAGAIN break which leaves the status at SANE_STATUS_GOOD. I wonder why
the usb interface is returning a read status of &quot;Resource temporarily
unavailable&quot;. Would it make more sense to put a small sleep and a continue
in place of the break? This would make the code wait for the data or a
timeout at a lower level.
-sometime later that evening...
I just tried a usleep(2000) and a continue added into the EAGAIN condition
in FDSource_get() instead of the break, and restored the code in
RGBRouter_get(). This does seem to work. I noticed that the scanner does
&quot;backtrack&quot; occasionally on large scans and this coincides perfectly with
hitting the EAGAIN condition. It looks like the scanner is responding to usb
read requests with a &quot;try again later&quot; and these are getting passed back up
the chain... it is possible that other versions of usb kernel code will
block on a read() until data is ready instead of returning with EAGAIN. I
don't know what the scsi driver does, but if the reads dont return until
data is available or an error occurs, this would explain the problems I have
been seeing. I looked at the umax scsi code (I also have a umax 12120s scsi
scanner) and it looks like it has all been written such that an EAGAIN
condition with 0 bytes would cause problems. Where would you suggest a fix?
hanging in the low level USB read? Hanging in FDSource_get? Hanging in
TXsource_get? Handling the 0 bytes being returned without an error status in
RGBRouter_get()? The EAGAIN condition occurs with my system even when
scanning b/w images, but I was not seeing errors because there always was
some data returned and not 0 bytes. The FSSource_get() seems to be the
lowest level point in common code for scsi and usb scanners and the usb code
patches are the lowest level user code for usb specific snapscan scanners.
Lawrence Glaister VE7IT email: <A HREF=";02b001c0268c$3aed96e0$bf0aa8c0@dufusiii&gt;"></A>
1462 Madrona Drive <A HREF=""></A>
Nanoose Bay BC Canada
V9P 9C9
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