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<TITLE>sane-devel: Re: Problems with Mustek 1200 SP, mode color. WITH</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Paul Aschenborn (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Re: Problems with Mustek 1200 SP, mode color. WITH debug.log">
<H1>Re: Problems with Mustek 1200 SP, mode color. WITH debug.log</H1>
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Paul Aschenborn (<A HREF=",%20mode%20color.%20WITH%20debug.log&In-Reply-To=&lt;;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Thu Sep 21 2000 - 01:17:17 PDT
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<P>H&gt; blue, green or red. Well not just shifted, that I could correct ...
<P><EM>&gt; &gt; The most remarkeable thing about it is, that it is reproduceable and the
<EM>&gt; &gt; type of the wrong color depends on the used resolution. So scanning at
<EM>&gt; &gt; 120 dpi ist a blue like image without any red scanning with 125 dpi becomes
<EM>&gt; &gt; more and more green ...
<EM>&gt; That's the &quot;standard&quot; line-distance correction problem. Could you please send a
<EM>&gt; debug log to me, I need to know the firmware version and some further
<EM>&gt; details of your scanner.
<EM>&gt; SANE_DEBUG_MUSTEK=5 scanimage -L 2&gt;debug.log
<P>ok, did it. I'll attach the log at the end of the message.
Firmware is 1.06
<P><EM>&gt; &gt; Additionally I get some &quot;bad lines&quot; in the pictures, they repeat in a constant
<EM>&gt; &gt; frequent all over the image. If the image is dark, those lines (1-3 pixel
<EM>&gt; &gt; broad)
<EM>&gt; &gt; are bright and visa versa.
<EM>&gt; These are at the place where the scanner starts a new block ob data. If you
<EM>&gt; change the buffersize (option buffersize in mustek.conf) the distance
<EM>&gt; between these lines should change, too.
<P>Hm well this is correct. But how do I fix it
<P><EM>&gt; &gt; Since there are no options in the mustek.conf I tried out so change almost
<EM>&gt; &gt; everything
<EM>&gt; &gt; I can.
<EM>&gt; In mustek.conf, option linedistance-fix should be removed or commented out
<EM>&gt; if it's there.
<P>It is commented out. Neither having it aktive or commented out it does not change
behavior :-(
<P><EM>&gt; The problem is probabaly easy to solve in mustek.c when I know the firmware
<EM>&gt; version. I had one more report about a similar problem since SANE 1.0.3.
<EM>&gt; &gt; The problem is the same with different types of images, different
<EM>&gt; &gt; kernels (2.2.14 - 2.2.17)
<EM>&gt; &gt; and I even plugged a Adaptec 2490 in. All the same error.
<P>To correct my type error: 2940 :-)
<EM>&gt; The error results from different methods to compensate fort the line shift
<EM>&gt; of the three color CCD lines. Some scanners do this line-distance correction
<EM>&gt; internally, for some this must be done in the backend. So the backend must
<EM>&gt; know for which firmware version it should do the correction and for which
<EM>&gt; it's not necessary.
<P>ok, I got that. I am really glad you help me. I havent found a single word to that
problems in the documentation or on the websites. Maybe I havent
looked close enough.
<P><EM>&gt; No, that's OK. They are identical. Mustek's scanner names are quite &quot;funny&quot;.
<EM>&gt; I have two 1200 SPs, both are labeled MFS-12000SP on the back. One is labeled
<EM>&gt; &quot;MFS-12000SP&quot; on the front, the other one is a &quot;1200 SP&quot; (without MFS). If
<EM>&gt; you ask the firmware for their name, it's &quot;MSF-12000SP&quot; (not MFS!). Ah and
<EM>&gt; yes, a Paragon 1200 SP III would be a total different scanner despite its
<EM>&gt; name.
<P>Yep, that's excactly what I heard about it!
<P><EM>&gt; Check if &quot;net&quot; is in dll.conf. You can add the name of the backend+device to
<EM>&gt; xsane/xscanimage:
<EM>&gt; xsane mustek:/dev/scanner
<P>Net was configured. I just messed up the &quot;device-parameter&quot; from scanimage and
scanimage -dnet:computer:mustek:/dev/scanner
xscanimage net:computer:mustek:/dev/scanner
It works fine via network even with the frontend now.
Ok, here comes the logfile, in hope you can help me to fix the last color -
<P>Thanks a thousand time for your efforts !
[sanei_debug] Setting debug level of mustek to 5.
[mustek] SANE Mustek backend version 1.0 build 96 (SANE 1.0.3)
[mustek] sane_init: authorize == null
[mustek] sane_init: using sanei_scsi_open_extended
[mustek] sane_init: reading config file `mustek.conf'
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 1: ignoring comment line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 2: ignoring empty line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 3: ignoring comment line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 4: ignoring comment line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 5: ignoring empty line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 6: ignoring comment line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 7: trying to attach `scsi MUSTEK * Scanner'
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 8: ignoring comment line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 9: ignoring comment line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 10: ignoring comment line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 11: ignoring empty line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 12: trying to attach `scsi SCANNER'
[mustek] attach: trying device /dev/sga
[mustek] dev_open /dev/sga
[mustek] dev_open: /dev/sga is a SCSI device
[mustek] dev_open: wanted 8 kbytes, got 8 kbytes buffer
[mustek] attach: sending INQUIRY
[mustek] scsi_wait_ready: sending TEST_UNIT_READY
[mustek] attach: SCSI Vendor: `SCANNER ' Model: ` ' Rev.: `1.06'
[mustek] attach: SCSI Type: Scanner; ANSI rev.: 1
[mustek] attach: SCSI flags:
[mustek] attach: inquiry output:
[mustek] 06 00 01 01 5b 01 00 00 53 43 41 4e 4e 45 52 20 ....
[mustek] 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
[mustek] 31 2e 30 36 4d 55 53 54 45 4b 20 20 4d 46 53 2d 1.06MUSTEK MFS-
[mustek] 31 32 30 30 30 53 50 20 00 cf ff ff 01 00 00 00 12000SP ........
[mustek] 01 03 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
[mustek] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ff ................
[mustek] attach: found Mustek scanner (new firmware format)
[mustek] attach: old firmware revision system
[mustek] attach: firmware revision 1.06
[mustek] attach: scanner id: MFS-12000SP
[mustek] attach: this is probably a Paragon series scanner
[mustek] attach: this is a single-pass scanner
[mustek] attach: scanner doesn't need line-distance correction
[mustek] attach: found Mustek MFS-12000SP flatbed scanner, 1-pass
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 13: ignoring comment line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 14: ignoring comment line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 15: ignoring comment line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 16: ignoring empty line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 17: trying to attach `/dev/scanner'
[mustek] attach: trying device /dev/scanner
[mustek] dev_open /dev/scanner
[mustek] dev_open: Invalid argument: can't open /dev/scanner as a SCSI device
[mustek] dev_open: Invalid argument: can't open /dev/scanner as an AB306N device
[mustek] dev_open: can't open /dev/scanner
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 18: ignoring comment line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 19: ignoring comment line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 20: ignoring comment line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 21: ignoring empty line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 22: ignoring empty line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 23: ignoring comment line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 24: ignoring comment line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 25: ignoring comment line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 26: ignoring comment line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 27: ignoring comment line
[mustek] sane_get_devices
[mustek] sane_exit
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