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<TITLE>sane-devel: Re: New CVS snapshot 20000213</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Jens Scheithauer (jenss@sco.COM)">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Re: New CVS snapshot 20000213">
<H1>Re: New CVS snapshot 20000213</H1>
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Jens Scheithauer (<A HREF="mailto:jenss@sco.COM?Subject=Re:%20New%20CVS%20snapshot%2020000213&In-Reply-To=&lt;;"><EM>jenss@sco.COM</EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Mon Feb 21 2000 - 02:36:55 PST
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On Sun, 20 Feb 2000, Petter Reinholdtsen wrote:
<P><EM>&gt; &gt; I've written a README.unixware7 with a couple of notes which is
<EM>&gt; &gt; attached to this mail. Could someone with write access add this file
<EM>&gt; &gt; to the CVS repository, please? Thanks!
<EM>&gt; Maybe the README.unixware2 should be renamed to *.unixware and your
<EM>&gt; instruction placed in there?
<P>Hm, don't know. I think I'd rather keep the two READMEs seperate. The way
SANE builds and works on UW2 is quite different from UW7.
<P><EM>&gt; The following part confused me:
<EM>&gt; Use the pkgadd command to install the files, e.g.:
<EM>&gt; # pkgadd -d `pwd`/sane-1.0.2.pkg
<EM>&gt; SANE 1.0.2 is not released yet. Did you make a package already with
<EM>&gt; that name, or will this be done when the release is made?
<P>Not yet, I just wanted to get this information into the README. I'm going
to wait until SANE ships before I cut the package and put it on our ftp
server. The release number will be 1.0.2, right?
Jens Scheithauer The Santa Cruz Operation Limited
Software Engineer Registered in England No 2063779
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Croxley Business Park, Hatters Lane
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