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<TITLE>sane-devel: Re: Transparency support for snapscan backend</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Karlheinz Günster (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Re: Transparency support for snapscan backend">
<H1>Re: Transparency support for snapscan backend</H1>
<!-- received="Fri Apr 28 08:57:13 2000" -->
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<!-- subject="Re: Transparency support for snapscan backend" -->
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Karlheinz Günster (<A HREF=";00042817231000.25951@mimoculo&gt;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Fri Apr 28 2000 - 07:49:45 PDT
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Am Fre, 28 Apr 2000 schrieb Oliver Schwartz:
<EM>&gt; Hi all,
<P>Hi Oliver,
<EM>&gt; I've put a first version of my patch for transparency support in the snapscan
<EM>&gt; backend on my homepage (<A HREF=""></A>).
<EM>&gt; Up to now I have only tested it with an Acer ScanPrisa 620UT.
<EM>&gt; The patch is for sane-1.0.2. It does not work with previous versions.
<EM>&gt; If you have a Snapscan or Acer Prisa scanner with transparency unit please try
<EM>&gt; it and tell me whether it works for you.
<P>it runs! Thank you very much for your work.
<P>Only the following appeared:
<P>On your homepage in the &quot;installation instructions&quot; under &quot;5.&quot; should
only be the instruction &quot;make&quot;, under &quot;6.&quot; &quot;make install&quot;, without dot
and slash. This way my system is working correctly.
<P>I copied &quot;find-scanner&quot; manually, because &quot;make install&quot; and
&quot;tools&quot; haven't been installed.
<P>Version 1.0.2 don't overwrite existing files in /usr/local/etc/sane.d
and /usr/local/lib/sane. I searched for it a long time, at least
found it and then deleted it manually.
<P>The scan looks very fine.
<P>Finally I have three wishes:
<P>The scanarea can be 21,5 x 29 cm.
<P>A switch that allows me to choice between negative and positive scan.
<P>And a little faster scan only by 600 dpi with maximal scan-area in mode
flatbed. A scan with this resolution was running 45 minutes before
xscanimage disapeared suddenly, although only half of the image was
<P>Other resolutions are okay.
<P>Greetings and thanks.
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