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<TITLE>sane-devel: Re: scanner with transparency-unit</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Karlheinz Günster (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Re: scanner with transparency-unit">
<H1>Re: scanner with transparency-unit</H1>
<!-- received="Wed Apr 26 12:33:28 2000" -->
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<!-- subject="Re: scanner with transparency-unit" -->
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Karlheinz Günster (<A HREF=";00042621272604.16886@mimoculo&gt;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Wed Apr 26 2000 - 12:22:57 PDT
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Am Die, 25 Apr 2000 schrieb Oliver Schwartz:
<EM>&gt; Hello,
<P>Hello Oliver,
<EM>&gt; I'm currently working on the snapscan backend to add support for a transparency
<EM>&gt; unit. It already works for me with an Acer ScanPrisa 620 UT - it seems to use
<EM>&gt; the same commands as a Snapscan 600.
<P>That are really good news.
<P><P><EM>&gt; I hope to have an alpha version of the driver available end of this week /
<EM>&gt; beginning of next week. I'll announce it on the mailing list.
<P>Let me know if I can do something to realize this function.
<EM>&gt; Otherwise the Mustek backend seems to have support for transparency units (at
<EM>&gt; least that's where I steal my code from). But I don't know exactly which models
<EM>&gt; are supported.
<P>I'll test it :-)
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