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<TITLE>sane-devel: Re: ASPIROUT.sys not recognized by OS/2 Config.sys</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Mentore Siesto (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Re: ASPIROUT.sys not recognized by OS/2 Config.sys">
<H1>Re: ASPIROUT.sys not recognized by OS/2 Config.sys</H1>
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Mentore Siesto (<A HREF=";;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Tue Apr 18 2000 - 03:26:10 PDT
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On Tue, 18 Apr 2000, R Talbot wrote:
<P>RT &gt;I run (OS/2 warp 4 fix pak 8) and (LINUX kernel 2.2.13 Caldera 2.3)..
RT &gt; Last week on downloaded , from the SANE site the latest for
RT &gt;both OS s ..
RT &gt; The LINUX version binaries worked right out of the box, but not OS/2
RT &gt;ver..
RT &gt;THis is the same machine Dual Booting with LILO...
RT &gt;OS/2 hardware manager sees the Mustek 1200ls SCSI scanner on ID #6..
RT &gt;I have a SCSI HD and CDROM the controller is Adaptec 1542...
RT &gt;
RT &gt;The Problem seems to be ASPIROUT.sys ... it refuses to load, I tried
RT &gt;device=C:\os2\boot\aspirout.sys ..... and
RT &gt;basedev=aspirout.sys
<P>Did you try the already compiled version, present in
<A HREF=""></A> ???
<P>RT &gt;w/ device= the error message at boot is aspirout.sys is not a valid
RT &gt;device driver..
RT &gt;w/basedev= the message at boot is cannot find aspirout.sys...
RT &gt; this means no matter where I put it or with what path...
RT &gt;DO I Have a faulty driver or am I making another error...
RT &gt; Yes... : ) I am loading after os2aspi.dmd
RT &gt;like so,,,
RT &gt;device=d:\os2\boot\aspirout.sys
<P>Everything should be right. Try with ASPIROUT.SYS from Hobbes or Leo, it's
present also at IIRC.
Mentore Siesto
Team OS/2 Italia
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