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<!-- received="Sun Aug 23 06:48:35 1998 PDT" -->
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<!-- name="Huub Reuver" -->
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<!-- subject="Starting problems with a mustek scanexpres 12000sp" -->
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<title>sane-devel: Starting problems with a mustek scanexpres 12000sp</title>
<h1>Starting problems with a mustek scanexpres 12000sp</h1>
<b>Huub Reuver</b> (<a href=""><i></i></a>)<br>
<i>Sun, 23 Aug 1998 15:47:37 +0200 (MET DST)</i>
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Hi all,<br>
I just bought a scanner which I would like to use with sane (linux).<br>
After some tryouts I suspect the scanner can't be used with SANE because <br>
the Model-ID is missing. As far as I can see it I should edit the mustek.c<br>
and perhaps the pint.c in the backend-directory. Could anyone help me<br>
with the declaration of my scanner.<br>
With regards,<br>
Some info:<br>
Platform: RedHat5.1 (Linux-2.0.35; glibc)<br>
My first try:<br>
[root@slp19202 sane-0.73]# /usr/local/bin/scanimage -h -d mustek<br>
Usage: scanimage [OPTION]...<br>
Start image acquisition on a scanner device and write PNM image data to<br>
standard output.<br>
-d, --device-name=DEVICE use a given scanner device<br>
-h, --help display this help message and exit<br>
-L, --list-devices show available scanner devices<br>
-v, --verbose give even more status messages<br>
-V, --version print version information<br>
scanimage: open of device mustek failed: Invalid argument<br>
Type ``scanimage --help -d DEVICE'' to get list of all options for DEVICE.<br>
(Note 1: 0.74 yields the same results, no patches used.<br>
Note 2: the program had to be ended with ^C.<br>
Note 3: with 0.73 I used some patches mentioned in this newsgroup for a <br>
Mustek ScanExpress 12000SP)<br>
[root@slp19202 sane-0.73]# tools/find-scanner <br>
find-scanner: found scanner "SCANNER 2.00" at device /dev/scanner<br>
find-scanner: found scanner "SCANNER 2.00" at device /dev/sg1<br>
find-scanner: found scanner "SCANNER 2.00" at device /dev/sgb<br>
The configuration-files contained all the options needed according to<br>
the sane-mustek manpage. I left them untouched.<br>
Some info about the scanner:<br>
[root@slp19202 sane-0.73]# cat /proc/scsi/scsi <br>
Attached devices: <br>
Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 03 Lun: 00<br>
Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 05 Lun: 00<br>
Vendor: SCANNER Model: Rev: 2.00<br>
Type: Scanner ANSI SCSI revision: 01 CCS<br>
[root@slp19202 sane-0.73]# cat /proc/scsi/tmscsim/0 <br>
Tekram DC390(T) PCI SCSI Host Adadpter, Driver Version 1.10, 1996/12/05<br>
SCSI Host Nr 0, DC390 Adapter Nr 0<br>
IOPortBase 0xb400, IRQLevel 0x0b<br>
MaxID 6, MaxLUN 0, AdapterID 7, AdapterLUN 0<br>
TagMaxNum 16, Status 0<br>
Nr of attached devices: 2<br>
Un ID LUN Prty Sync DsCn SndS TagQ NegoPeriod SyncSpeed SyncOffs<br>
00 03 00 Yes No Yes No No 100 ns <br>
01 05 00 Yes No Yes No No 100 ns <br>
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<li> <b>Next message:</b> <a href="0104.html">Kevin Dalley: "sane: Misleading error message when user has no permission for scanner"</a>
<li> <b>Previous message:</b> <a href="0102.html">Doug Bercich: "Re: Getting UMAX scanner to work with Future domain 1"</a>
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