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<BODY BGCOLOR=#FFFFFF TEXT=#000000><H1 ALIGN=CENTER><IMG SRC="/images/sane.png" HEIGHT=117 WIDTH=346></H1>
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<B><A HREF="sane-umax1220u.5.html">sane-umax1220u(5)</A></B> SANE Scanner Access Now Easy <B><A HREF="sane-umax1220u.5.html">sane-umax1220u(5)</A></B>
sane-umax1220u - SANE backend for the UMAX Astra 1220U and similar
The <B>sane-umax1220</B> library implements a SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy)
backend for the the UMAX Astra 1220U and similar scanners.
For more information on this backend, please visit <I>http://umax1220u-</I>
<H2>UMAX ASTRA 1600U/2000U/2100U SUPPORT</H2><PRE>
This backend is also able to drive the UMAX Astra 1600U/2000U/2100U.
The 2100U is confirmed to work. For the other scanners no reports have
been received yet. Please contact us and tell us if your scanner works
Usually, no manual configuration is necessary. The configuration file
for this backend resides in <I>/usr/local/etc/sane.d/umax1220u.conf</I>.
Its contents is a list of device names that correspond to UMAX Astra
scanners. Empty lines and lines starting with a hash mark (#) are
ignored. A sample configuration file is shown below:
#usb vendor product
usb 0x1606 0x0010
# Device list for non-linux systems
See <B><A HREF="sane-usb.5.html">sane-usb(5)</A></B> for information on how to set the access permissions on
the usb device files.
The backend configuration file:
The static library implementing this backend:
The shared library implementing this backend:
<I>/usr/local/lib/sane/</I> (present on systems
that support dynamic loading)
If the library was compiled with debug support enabled, this
environment variable controls the debug level for this backend.
E.g., a value of 128 requests all debug output to be printed.
Smaller levels reduce verbosity:
Number Remark
1 print failures
2 print information
3 print high-level function calls
4 print high-level function checkpoints
9 print mid-level function calls
10 print mid-level function checkpoints
80 print protocol-level function entry
90 print protocol-level function exit
export SANE_DEBUG_UMAX1220U=10
600 dpi scanning may fail for large image sizes.
If you keep getting I/O errors, try cycling the power on your scanner
to reset it.
There is no way to cancel a scan, since the driver ignores sane_can-
If you try scanning an image which is too small, you will get I/O
errors. Be sure to adjust the scan area before doing a scan, since by
default, the scan area is zero.
<B><A HREF="sane.7.html">sane(7)</A></B>, <B><A HREF="sane-usb.5.html">sane-usb(5)</A></B>
(Old) homepage:
Marcio Luis Teixeira &lt;;
This backend isn't actively maintained. Nevertheless, bug reports and
comments should be sent to the sane-devel mailing list. When reporting
bugs, please run the backend with SANE_DEBUG_UMAX1220U set to 10 and
attach a copy of the log messages.
sane-backends 1.0.18 17 Apr 2006 <B><A HREF="sane-umax1220u.5.html">sane-umax1220u(5)</A></B>
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