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<TITLE>sane-devel: Re: Setting up HP ScanJet 5P on Solaris 8 SPARC</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Gregory Gulik (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Re: Setting up HP ScanJet 5P on Solaris 8 SPARC">
<H1>Re: Setting up HP ScanJet 5P on Solaris 8 SPARC</H1>
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Gregory Gulik (<A HREF=";;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Wed Feb 07 2001 - 08:32:24 PST
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John Craig wrote:
<EM>&gt; &gt;From your probe-scsi output, it seems kind of strange, because you have 2
<EM>&gt; scsi busses, but both of them say &quot;unit 0&quot; I don't know if this is normal
<EM>&gt; or not. In any case, I don't know if the generic scsi driver from Joerg
<EM>&gt; Schillig plays well with this setup, or even if it supports Solaris 8. Oh
<EM>&gt; well.
<P>Yes, this computer does have two SCSI busses. It's an AXi based motherboard
which came that way. There are two &quot;unit 0&quot; because there are two buses.
That's why the SCG driver created /dev/scg0 and /dev/scg1.
<P><EM>&gt; At least you have XVscan. Did you get this working with the commercial
<EM>&gt; generic scsi driver for solaris that they sell together with XVscan? Does it
<EM>&gt; come with documentation? Is this conflicting with Schillig's generic scsi
<EM>&gt; driver?
<P>I bought it with the commercial SCSI driver SG-lite which came as a
binary with very little docs. The most I got was from the README
that came with it:
<P>Please direct all questions to us at, ltd. via e-mail at
&lt;<A HREF=";;"></A>&gt; or by viewing our WWW page at &quot;<A HREF=""></A>&quot;.
<P>I have no idea if it's conflicting and don't have any way of knowing.
I guess one way is to install the 64-bit SCG driver and reboot in 64
bit mode as there is no 64 bit SG driver. Well, there is, but the
writer was WAY too much money for a driver I only need for occasional
home scanning needs.
<P><EM>&gt; As far as my setup, it is a Sparc4 running Solaris 7, and an Acer 610ST
<EM>&gt; scanner. Right now, it scans locally, and supports network scanning, but
<EM>&gt; using the preview function causes the scanning client (frontend) to crash,
<EM>&gt; so when you are scanning, you are &quot;flying blind.&quot; You can define the scan
<EM>&gt; area roughly according to the position your document is in on the scanning
<EM>&gt; surface, and you get an image of that area, no problem, but not being able
<EM>&gt; to preview sucks. This is driving me nuts, because I can't see any reason
<EM>&gt; why this should happen.
<P>Hmmm... Does it work with the GIMP plug-in??
<EM>&gt; I may try moving the whole setup to an Ultrasparc 10 box that we have here,
<EM>&gt; and seeing if I have any better luck on a newer 64 bit machine.
<P>This is a 64-bit machine, 440Mhz cpu, running Solaris 8, so that's pretty
recent stuff and I can't even get scanimage to work at all!!!
<P>Thanks for everyone's help.
Greg Gulik <A HREF=""></A>
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