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<TITLE>sane-devel: Re: Fwd: [linux-usb-devel] driver for HP 5300C scan</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Oliver Neukum (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Re: Fwd: [linux-usb-devel] driver for HP 5300C scanjet scanner">
<H1>Re: Fwd: [linux-usb-devel] driver for HP 5300C scanjet scanner</H1>
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Oliver Neukum (<A HREF="[linux-usb-devel]%20driver%20for%20HP%205300C%20scanjet%20scanner&In-Reply-To=&lt;00102518451504.02062@ghanima&gt;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Wed Oct 25 2000 - 09:45:15 PDT
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On Wednesday 25 October 2000 17:02, Lequin, Stanley: wrote:
<EM>&gt; I recently read a post from you in the sane mailing list regarding the HP
<EM>&gt; 5300C. I am a Linux newbie who has been trying to configure my 5300C for
<EM>&gt; some time now with no luck. I hate to bother people with these types of
<EM>&gt; questions but I have searched for several days now and I am running out of
<EM>&gt; ideas. I was hoping that perhaps you could point me in the right direction
<EM>&gt; or give me some advice on configurint my scanner. I read in your post I
<EM>&gt; have to do the following in order to get the scanner to work:
<EM>&gt; Use Sane's avision driver and edit the source to recognize the HP
<EM>&gt; 5300. Currently, it won't recognize it because the vendor string doesn't
<EM>&gt; include the word avision. Use the SCSI sg driver to talk to the scanner.
<EM>&gt; Could you give me some more information on those steps? I do know that the
<EM>&gt; usb module is loading and I can see the scanner when I do a more on
<EM>&gt; /proc/usb/bus/devices which prints the following information:
<P>Hi Stanley, hi list,
<P>I am taking the liberty to post this to the list as this is the third answer
I am writing on this subject _today_. Thus I'd like to request it to be made
part of the FAQ.
This should not be taken to mean that I am unwilling to answer
users' questions. It's just more efficient this way.
<P>Therefore I'll try to answer these questions exhaustively.
<P><P>USB scanners and the Linux kernel
<P>Please don't confuse the kernel driver with the SANE backend.
There is no direct connection between these layers.
<P>There are three kernel drivers for USB scanners available.
The drivers are not interchangeable. If it works with one
driver it won't work with any other driver.
<P>1. The generic usbscanner driver
<P>This driver supports a multitude of scanners. Loaded as a module
it can be made to recognise any usb scanner. That doesn't mean
that it will work with every type of scanner.
<P>Available: Development kernels and backport to 2.2
<P>Usage: The driver implements a genuine usb device. A backend
must be aware of the difference to scsi.
<P>Scanners: Too numerous to list.
<P>Known issues: It will recognise some scanners it can't drive
<P>2. The microtek driver
<P>This driver will recognise a few scanners made by the company
it is named for. It's tested only with the X6.
<P>Available: Development kernels only. The backport doesn't work.
<P>Usage: To SANE the scanners appear to be scsi devices.
The scsi buffer must be limited to 32K
SANE 1.0.3 should work out of the box, if the buffer is shrunk.
<P>Scanners: X6 and perhaps some other microtek scanners
<P>Known issues: C6 crashes.
<P>3. The usbscsiscanner driver
<P>This driver will work for the HP 5300C only.
It is quite experimental.
<P>Available: As a patch to the development kernels only.
The patch must be extracted from the linux-usb-devel
mailing list's archive.
<P>Usage: The scanner appears to be a scsi device.
The avision backend must be hacked to recognise it.
<P>Scanners: HP 5300C
<P>Known issues: As yet none, as it has been tested only once
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Oliver Neukum
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