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<TITLE>sane-devel: Re: Mustek/LifeTec/Medion parport CIS driver</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Jochen Eisinger (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Re: Mustek/LifeTec/Medion parport CIS driver">
<H1>Re: Mustek/LifeTec/Medion parport CIS driver</H1>
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Jochen Eisinger (<A HREF=";;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Mon Oct 16 2000 - 02:19:05 PDT
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<P>[Eddy De Greef]
<EM>&gt; The scanner seems to respond more or less correctly to the SANE driver,
<EM>&gt; but the returned images were all white, so I concentrated on the
<EM>&gt; read_line_101X function.
My experience is, there are 4 places, where the backend has to be
patched to support a new scanner:
<P>* config_ccd &amp; functions called from there (I your case, you'll need a
config_cis or something like this)
* calibrate (each scanner has his own calibration)
* wait_bank_change (waits until the scanner has the next scanline ready)
* get_color_line (to cycle the channels in the right order)
<P><P>Maybe this might help you. There seem to be &quot;internal&quot; registers in the
scanner, which are accessed like this
<P>sanei_pa4s2_writebyte (fd, 6, register_type &lt;&lt; 4 + register_no);
sanei_pa4s2_writebyte (fd, 5, register_value);
sanei_pa4s2_writebyte (fd, 6, register_no);
<P>hmm, at least I suspect this. I don't know which register does what, but
this helps to analyse the output of the tools.
<EM>&gt; I didn't continue my experiments (it was getting late), but I looks like the
<EM>&gt; problem might be the calibration of the scanner.
<EM>&gt; &gt;From what I understand from the code, the driver tries to find the black upper
<EM>&gt; and left edge. However, I wonder whether there are really any black edges.
<EM>&gt; &gt;From the outside, it looks like the edges might as well be lightgray (the
<EM>&gt; color of the plastic case). I'll open the case this evening to have a look at
<EM>&gt; it. Moreover, the fact that the inside of the cover is black (all other
<EM>&gt; scanners that I've seen have a white cover) makes me wonder whether looking
<EM>&gt; for black edges is the right thing to do. Maybe a black cover is something
<EM>&gt; specific for CIS-scanners ?
<P>The mustek scanners all have black covers... For calibration use there
is a image in the case of the scanner, which looks like
<P>|xxxx x |
|xxxx x |
<P>where the xxx area is black and the rest white. This picture is used to
determine, what black &amp; white should be and where the scanable area
starts... at least it works this way with the 300 dpi scanners.
<P>600 dpi scanners are able to use different bank sizes. If the
(bank_counter &amp; 1) &amp; 1 is always zero, the scanner uses a 8K bank
(usefull info to debug wait_bank_change :-)
<P>happy hacking!
<P>-- jochen
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