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<TITLE>sane-devel: Re: Problems with xsane &amp; scanner</TITLE>
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Re: Problems with xsane &amp; scanner">
<H1>Re: Problems with xsane &amp; scanner</H1>
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> MRZ (<A HREF=";%20scanner&In-Reply-To=&lt;001301c0ce89$0c1ca860$;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Thu Apr 26 2001 - 12:42:37 PDT
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Victor wrote:
<EM>&gt; BUT now the problem is with the Gimp...
<EM>&gt; through xscanimage.
<P>&nbsp;In reply, Henning wrote:
<EM>&gt;Probably you have installed the sane and xsane packages from Debian.
<EM>&gt; These are the frontends compiled without gimp support. The right
<EM>&gt; packages for the gimp are sane-gimp and xsane-gimp. I think you need
<EM>&gt; packages for gimp1.1. If this doesn't work, remove the Debian sane
<EM>&gt; packages and compile the frontends yourself (don't forget to install
<EM>&gt; libgimp-1.1-dev).
<P>This also sounds a lot like the problem(s) I was having, which I finally
resolved with help in part from this fine group and by trying an additional
series of steps I'd not done before.
What I did was the following:
1.Purged sane and xsane off my system (dpkg --purge option)
2. Manually purged any remaining references to either.
3.Updated the gimp using apt-get (this gave me v1.04 btw)
4.Updated all required libraries using apt-get to conform to what's
5.Downloaded the most current sane and xsane tars, and compile/make/make
install (etc..)
6.Created the symlink to xsane (&quot;for&quot; the gimp) as described by the plug-in
7.Verified and all other things mentioned in the .PROBLEMS and
.INSTALL files.
<P>Next thing I knew it was all good....
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