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<TITLE>sane-devel: net.conf: saned[21972]: init: bad status=22 or proc</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Michael Rothwell (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="net.conf: saned[21972]: init: bad status=22 or procnum=0">
<H1>net.conf: saned[21972]: init: bad status=22 or procnum=0</H1>
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Michael Rothwell (<A HREF="[21972]:%20init:%20bad%20status=22%20or%20procnum=0&In-Reply-To=&lt;;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Sun Mar 25 2001 - 10:49:05 PST
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I'm having trouble getting sane to work over the network. I have two
RedHat 6.2 machines with sane 1.04 with the lastest snapscan-usb patch.
Sane works locally on the &quot;server&quot; machine just fine. But from the
client, it does not. scanimage -L either returns &quot;no scanners&quot;, hangs,
or segfaults. &quot;Gromit&quot; is my client machine, &quot;gateway&quot; is the server.
Any ideas? I've read the mailing list, but haven't run across a
solution. The &quot;Search&quot; feature ofthe mailing list on the
pages seems to be unavailable, so I may have missed something. Thanks
for any help...
<P>[root@gromit doc]# cat /etc/sane.d/net.conf
<P><P>[root@gateway rothwell]# cat /usr/local/etc/sane.d/saned.conf
<P>[root@gateway rothwell]# ls -al /dev/usbscanner
crw-rw-rw- 1 saned saned 180, 48 Mar 2 01:19 /dev/usbscanner
<P>[root@gateway rothwell]# cat /usr/local/etc/sane.d/snapscan.conf
scsi AGFA
scsi COLOR
scsi Color
<P><P>With this:
sane stream tcp wait saned.saned /usr/local/sbin/saned saned
<P>I get this:
Mar 25 01:39:48 gateway saned[22010]: init: bad status=22 or procnum=0
Mar 25 01:39:48 gateway saned[22010]: exiting
Mar 25 01:39:48 gateway inetd[21968]: sane/tcp server failing (looping
or being flooded), service terminated for 10 min
<P>With this:
sane stream tcp nowait saned.saned /usr/local/sbin/saned saned
<P>I get this:
Mar 25 01:49:00 gateway saned[22198]: access by
Mar 25 01:49:00 gateway inetd[22193]: pid 22198: exit signal 11
Mar 25 01:49:03 gateway saned[22209]: access by
Mar 25 01:49:03 gateway inetd[22193]: pid 22209: exit signal 11
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