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<TITLE>sane-devel: HP5300C - USB-problems?</TITLE>
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<H1>HP5300C - USB-problems?</H1>
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> <A HREF=";;"><EM></EM></A><BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Thu Feb 15 2001 - 07:30:10 PST
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<P>I have a HP5300C-Scanner, which should run (more or less) with the
avision-backend-patch and the &quot;usb-scsi&quot;-patch for the kernel. After a view days
hacking all the night and surfing the sane-webpages from my office-pc I decided to
write to this mailinglist.
<P>My environment:
Hardware: VIA-USB-chips
kernel 2.4.1 for 686
&nbsp;manually patched with the usb-scsi patch (patched Makefile,; added
&nbsp;usb-scsi.h usb-scsi.c)
sane 1.0.4
&nbsp;manually patched with the avision patch for hp5300c
&nbsp;copied the new libs (libsane-avision*) from /usr/local/lib/sane to
/usr/lib/sane to use the directories the deb-package installed in.
SCSI: all other modules disabled
USB: removed module scanner
/etc/sane.d/dll: only the avision backend activated
/etc/sane.d/avision: scsi HP
<P>Now I get an entry in /proc/scsi/scsi which is definitifly my scanner, but
xscanimage can not find any scanner and the hardware isn't responding at all.
<P>Onto my console and into my message-log I get the message:
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;# tail -f /var/log/messages
&nbsp;&nbsp;Feb 13 19:39:37 ente kernel: usb_control/bulk_msg: timeout
&nbsp;&nbsp;Feb 13 19:39:37 ente kernel: usb-scsi.c: write_scanner: NAK recieved.
<P>Perhaps my scanner is defect and I should bring it back. But it will be gone
for a view weeks - and that's not so fine.
<P>I tested it also with win98. The results were 5 scanned pages - 30 tries to
do that and 20 reboots, because of USB-locks. (I hate that virus)
<P>My 4 USB-ports work very fine under Linux (debian), but I get 3 stupid
timeout-messages with cat /proc/bus/usb/devices (2 at list beginning and 1 at the
end) - only with the scanner plugged (yes, it's powered on).
<P>Can anybody help me?
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