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<TITLE>sane-devel: Re: HP Scanjet 3300 [also Re: HP 3400 scanner infor</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="kwlee (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Re: HP Scanjet 3300 [also Re: HP 3400 scanner information]">
<H1>Re: HP Scanjet 3300 [also Re: HP 3400 scanner information]</H1>
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<!-- subject="Re: HP Scanjet 3300 [also Re: HP 3400 scanner information]" -->
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> kwlee (<A HREF="[also%20Re:%20HP%203400%20scanner%20information]&In-Reply-To=&lt;008401c07527$40772ba0$950d10ac@hq.iei&gt;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Tue Jan 02 2001 - 17:47:48 PST
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<P>As i knew, Avision, Silitek(HP OEMs), Primax , most use
genesys logic's usb chip and some scanlogic.
<P>My Visioneer 8600 usb SANE, have code about genesys logic
about CONTROL modification on scanner.c
<P>please visit <A HREF=""></A>
And maybe have a discussion about merge ioctl part.
<EM>&gt; &gt;
<EM>&gt; &gt;are you sure that the scanner is indeed controlled with CONTROL and _not_
<EM>&gt; &gt;urbs ?
<EM>&gt; Yes.
<EM>&gt; &gt;If so, the existing kernel drivers will not work.
<EM>&gt; That's not a big problem. I coded the ioctl_scanner() function of the
<EM>&gt; USB stack `scanner.c' file in 2.3.x and 2.4.x linux kernels, to be used
<EM>&gt; by the hp4200 scanner backend; and a modified version could work for
<EM>&gt; those scanners.
<EM>&gt; &gt;To me this protocol is absolutly alien.
<EM>&gt; &gt;It has _no_ connection to the protocol of the 5300.
<EM>&gt; That's really a pity. I thought those 8-byte vectors could be a kind
<EM>&gt; of a ``SCSI scanner'' like command. Anyway, rev-eng is fun (I hope).
<EM>&gt; &gt; HTH
<EM>&gt; &gt; Oliver
<EM>&gt; Thank you!
<EM>&gt; Adrian Perez Jorge
<EM>&gt; &lt;<A HREF="[also%20Re:%20HP%203400%20scanner%20information]&In-Reply-To=&lt;008401c07527$40772ba0$950d10ac@hq.iei&gt;"></A>&gt;
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