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<TITLE>sane-devel: SnapScan 1236S &amp; included AVA 1505 SCSI control</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Marcel Martin (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="SnapScan 1236S &amp; included AVA 1505 SCSI controller">
<H1>SnapScan 1236S &amp; included AVA 1505 SCSI controller</H1>
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<!-- subject="SnapScan 1236S &amp; included AVA 1505 SCSI controller" -->
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Marcel Martin (<A HREF=";%20included%20AVA%201505%20SCSI%20controller&In-Reply-To=&lt;00122319494004.00331@dackel&gt;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Sat Dec 23 2000 - 10:49:40 PST
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Hi folks and merry christmas to those who celebrate it!
<P>Some time ago I had the problem of getting a SnapScan 1236S scanner to work
with a 2.4.0-test kernel.
It finally works thanks to Abel Deuring who did the work of contacting kernel
developers, runnig tests and pointing me into the right direction.
<P>Maybe I can help others using the same combination of hard- and software to
get their scanner to work. These are the steps required to make it work:
<P>- get kernel 2.4.0-test12
- get latest reiserfs-patch
&nbsp;&nbsp;(filename: linux-2.4.0-test12-reiserfs-3.6.23-patch.gz) and apply it
- edit the file linux/drivers/scsi/aha152x.c (lines 1470+):
<P>int aha152x_queue(Scsi_Cmnd *SCpnt, void (*done)(Scsi_Cmnd *))
#if 0 /* insert this line */
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;if(*SCpnt-&gt;cmnd == REQUEST_SENSE) {
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;SCpnt-&gt;result = 0;
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;return SUCCESS;
#endif /* and this one, too */
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;return aha152x_internal_queue(SCpnt, 0, 0, 0, done);
<P>- configure, compile, install your kernel as usual and reboot to test
- get sane-backends-1.0.4 and untar
- get the most recent snapscan backend from
- untar snapscan backend and copy files from the resulting snapscan/
directory into sane-backends-1.0.4/backend. The existing - outdated -
snapscan.* files will be overwritten. (This makes e.g. color scans work, btw.)
- configure, compile, and install sane-backend as usual
- get, compile, and install most recent XSane (0.68)
<P>These aren't really step-by-step instructions and perhaps something is wrong
(haven't really double-checked), but it should point you into the right
- Linux 2.4.0-test12 + linux-2.4.0-test12-reiserfs-3.6.23-patch
- patch to aha152x.c
- sane-backends-1.0.4
- snapscan-xxxxxxxx.tar.gz (I have snapscan-11282000.tar.gz)
- XSane 0.68
_ _
/ V / Marcel Martin ICQ #83647876
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