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<TITLE>sane-devel: Re: New backends for SANE 1.0.4</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="kwlee (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Re: New backends for SANE 1.0.4">
<H1>Re: New backends for SANE 1.0.4</H1>
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> kwlee (<A HREF=";008401c04927$f4d7a7e0$740d10ac@hq.iei&gt;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Tue Nov 07 2000 - 18:02:02 PST
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<LI><STRONG>In reply to:</STRONG> <A HREF="0125.html">Henning Meier-Geinitz: "Re: New backends for SANE 1.0.4"</A>
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<LI><STRONG>Next in thread:</STRONG> <A HREF="0127.html">Karsten Festag: "Re: New backends for SANE 1.0.4"</A>
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<P><EM>&gt; &gt; <A HREF=""></A>
<EM>&gt; &gt; the quality, speed, resolutions all are OK,
<EM>&gt; &gt; the only problem is the Configuration is bad!
<EM>&gt; As I wrote in the other article we can add your backend in PROJECTS or
<EM>&gt; viceo.desc. I think the latter is more appropriate because your
<EM>&gt; backend is more than just a project :-)
<EM>&gt; I suppose this is only an announce? Or do you want us to include the
<EM>&gt; backend in SANE 1.0.4? In this case I would have a closer look at the
<EM>&gt; backend :-)
<P>I definitely hope this backend can be included in SANE 1.0.4 but as said,
i have no idea about desc or PROJECTS:(
the only thing i have done is modify the Makefile and just compile my
backend. So, i hope someone can help me include my backend to
the config file or something like that, especially to put all my c++ and *
.h files
under viceo directory(there are too many files on my backend, so putting
them on one directory is a good choice) .
<P>Other issues, i have read other mail about your concern on putting
backend on SANE 1.04:
.global variable to static var
.remove c++ // comment
I'm afraid i can not do it:( because there are too many c++ files with
hundred of global vars...
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<LI><STRONG>Previous message:</STRONG> <A HREF="0132.html">Jeffrey H. Ingber: "Re: Problems with HP 6350 when ADF and XPA connected simultaneously"</A>
<LI><STRONG>In reply to:</STRONG> <A HREF="0125.html">Henning Meier-Geinitz: "Re: New backends for SANE 1.0.4"</A>
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<LI><STRONG>Next in thread:</STRONG> <A HREF="0127.html">Karsten Festag: "Re: New backends for SANE 1.0.4"</A>
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