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<TITLE>sane-devel: Re: Support for HP5300C</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Oliver Neukum (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Re: Support for HP5300C">
<H1>Re: Support for HP5300C</H1>
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Oliver Neukum (<A HREF=";00071415165300.05814@ghanima&gt;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Fri Jul 14 2000 - 06:07:41 PDT
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Am Fre, 14 Jul 2000 schrieben Sie:
<EM>&gt; The scanner has four buttons on the front, that is probably what it uses the
<EM>&gt; interrupt for. Is there any Linux utility which supports these buttons?
<P>Not that I know of.
<EM>&gt; At least with kernel 2.2.16 with the backported USB drivers, the scanner times
<EM>&gt; out when I attempt to do a scan.
<EM>&gt; The command:
<EM>&gt; scanimage -d hp:/dev/scanner0 -v
<EM>&gt; Does nothing for a few minutes, then I get this message in the messages log:
<EM>&gt; Jul 13 21:28:01 alfred kernel: usb_control/bulk_msg: timeout
<EM>&gt; Jul 13 21:28:01 alfred kernel: scanner.c: write_scanner: NAK recieved.
<EM>&gt; Jul 13 21:29:14 alfred kernel: usb_control/bulk_msg: timeout
<EM>&gt; Jul 13 21:29:14 alfred kernel: scanner.c: write_scanner: NAK recieved.
<P>The kernel driver cannot talk to the scanner.
Now, I'd suggest we cc this to David Nelson, who wrote the driver.
<P>Is your scanner among those mentioned at
<A HREF=""></A>
<P>You have several options now.
You could try out new drivers for the paralell port.
You might try to get an USB trace from the Windows driver,
if you have Windows.
<EM>&gt; --- Contents of: /etc/sane.d/hp.conf
<EM>&gt; /dev/scanner0
<EM>&gt; option connect-device
<EM>&gt; ---
<EM>&gt; /dev/scanner0 was created with &quot;mknod /dev/scanner0 c 180 48&quot;
<EM>&gt; Also, I loaded the scanner.o module with:
<EM>&gt; /sbin/insmod /lib/modules/2.2.16/usb/scanner.o vendor=0x03f0 product=0x0701
<EM>&gt; -----
<EM>&gt; The problem may be the backported USB drivers, I am going to try kernel
<EM>&gt; 2.4.0-test3 as soon as I get it installed, and see if it works then.
<EM>&gt; Sincerely,
<EM>&gt; Terence Haddock
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