SANE - Contact

If you find any bugs (e.g. spelling errors, missing/wrong links) on this website, please use our bug tracking system with the category "website". For more details, see our page about bug-reporting.

General discussions and questions about SANE should be sent to the sane-devel mailing list.

The web pages tagged as "hmg-guest" on have been created or modified by me (Henning Meier-Geinitz). Keep in mind that I'm not responsible for emails that are in the mailing list archives and other documents not written by me. If you really need to write me, this is my postal address:

Henning Meier-Geinitz
Kettelerstr. 71
D-64807 Dieburg
Tel.: ++49 (0)6071 24112

Most of the web pages on this website have been originally created by David Mosberger-Tang and others and were located on the site until the new SANE homepage was created at

SANE homepage

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