diff --git a/unsupported/artec-ultima-2000-2.html b/unsupported/artec-ultima-2000-2.html index 47bf59f0..00ef51d1 100644 --- a/unsupported/artec-ultima-2000-2.html +++ b/unsupported/artec-ultima-2000-2.html @@ -14,25 +14,99 @@

Scanners not supported by SANE

Manufacturer and model

- Artec Ultima 2000 +

+ Artec Ultima 2000 +

Bus type

- USB +

+ USB +

Vendor ID

- 0x05d8 +

+ 0x05d8 +

Product ID

- 0x4001 +

+ 0x4001 +


- ATC 93LC46 (EEPROM?) +

+ ATC 93LC46 (EEPROM?) +


- The chips look similar to that reported on the umax1220u page. - The version with product id 0x4002 is supported by the gt68xx - backend. +

+ The chips look similar to that reported on the umax1220u page. + The version with product id 0x4002 is supported by the gt68xx + backend. +

Output of /proc/bus/usb/devices or sane-find-scanner -v -v

+<device descriptor of 0x05d8/0x4001 at 001:002>
+bLength               18
+bDescriptorType       1
+bcdUSB                1.00
+bDeviceClass          0
+bDeviceSubClass       0
+bDeviceProtocol       0
+bMaxPacketSize0       64
+idVendor              0x05D8
+idProduct             0x4001
+bcdDevice             1.00
+iManufacturer         0 ()
+iProduct              0 ()
+iSerialNumber         0 ()
+bNumConfigurations    1
+ <configuration 0>
+ bLength              9
+ bDescriptorType      2
+ wTotalLength         39
+ bNumInterfaces       1
+ bConfigurationValue  1
+ iConfiguration       0 ()
+ bmAttributes         64 (Self-powered)
+ MaxPower             500 mA
+  <interface 0>
+   <altsetting 0>
+   bLength            9
+   bDescriptorType    4
+   bInterfaceNumber   0
+   bAlternateSetting  0
+   bNumEndpoints      3
+   bInterfaceClass    0
+   bInterfaceSubClass 0
+   bInterfaceProtocol 0
+   iInterface         0 ()
+    <endpoint 0>
+    bLength           7
+    bDescriptorType   5
+    bEndpointAddress  0x01 (out 0x01)
+    bmAttributes      2 (bulk)
+    wMaxPacketSize    64
+    bInterval         0 ms
+    bRefresh          0
+    bSynchAddress     0
+    <endpoint 1>
+    bLength           7
+    bDescriptorType   5
+    bEndpointAddress  0x82 (in 0x02)
+    bmAttributes      2 (bulk)
+    wMaxPacketSize    64
+    bInterval         0 ms
+    bRefresh          0
+    bSynchAddress     0
+    <endpoint 2>
+    bLength           7
+    bDescriptorType   5
+    bEndpointAddress  0x83 (in 0x03)
+    bmAttributes      3 (interrupt)
+    wMaxPacketSize    1
+    bInterval         1 ms
+    bRefresh          0
+    bSynchAddress     0

Want to add or correct information?