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<TITLE>sane-devel: Re: How to get Microtek Phantom work</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Riku Turkia (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Re: How to get Microtek Phantom work">
<H1>Re: How to get Microtek Phantom work</H1>
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Riku Turkia (<A HREF=";000901bf875f$e6dd2a00$4b8b89c2@sunit_jns_1.sunit.dom&gt;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Mon Mar 06 2000 - 03:34:15 PST
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-----Original Message-----
From: Levente NOVAK &lt;<A HREF=";000901bf875f$e6dd2a00$4b8b89c2@sunit_jns_1.sunit.dom&gt;"></A>&gt;
To: sane-devel &lt;<A HREF=";000901bf875f$e6dd2a00$4b8b89c2@sunit_jns_1.sunit.dom&gt;"></A>&gt;
Date: 6. maaliskuuta 2000 11:34
Subject: Re: How to get Microtek Phantom work
<P><P><EM>&gt;On Mon, 6 Mar 2000, Riku Turkia wrote:
<EM>&gt;&gt; I have a Microtek Phantom parallel port scanner. I think it is model
<EM>&gt;&gt; V300 or something like that so it should work with OnSpec 90C26
<EM>&gt;What is your model exactly? Mine is a Phantom 636cx and I was able to
<EM>&gt;it with find-scanner once the ppSCSI suite was installed and the onscsi
<EM>&gt;module loaded.
<P>Oops, it wasn't V300. That would have been too easy. Model number is
<P>Parallel port web page says model V600 is supported by Microtek driver.
I wonder if these two are the same.
<EM>&gt;&gt; I downloaded the ppSCSI suite and installed the patch (which had
<EM>&gt;&gt; problems with one file, however I was able to apply the patch
<EM>&gt;&gt; Then I compiled the kernel but obviously something is not right since
<EM>&gt;&gt; the scanner does not show signs of existing.
<EM>&gt;Does find-scanner recognise it? Or is it only a problem with
<EM>&gt;scanimage/xscanimage/xsane? If the model code of your scanner is not
<EM>&gt;listed into the microtek2.c file, you will have to add it manually
<EM>&gt;mine is model 0x9a), using the other entries as template. You can use
<EM>&gt;debug options of microtek2 to turn on error logging, this helps a lot
<EM>&gt;man sane-microtek2 if it is a SCSI-2 command set scanner).
<P><P>In fact I didn't get this far because I had some module installation
problems. I have to try again and harder.
<EM>&gt;&gt; Which things must be compiled as modules? Which things must be
<EM>&gt;&gt; in the kernel overall?
<EM>&gt;I have everything compiled as modules.
<P><P>I wonder if there are any special tricks needed because I have support
for AHA-1520 and IDE/SCSI emulation compiled as modules.
<P>I do need &quot;SCSI generic&quot; support, do I? And since other SCSI stuff is
compiled as modules, this one must also be module. How about parallel
port stuff, which modules I must have (in addition to OnSpec)?
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