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<TITLE>sane-devel: Re: [snapscan] Core testing group</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="abel deuring (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Re: [snapscan] Core testing group">
<H1>Re: [snapscan] Core testing group</H1>
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> abel deuring (<A HREF="[snapscan]%20Core%20testing%20group&In-Reply-To=&lt;;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Sat Nov 04 2000 - 11:02:06 PST
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Chris Bagwell wrote:
<P><EM>&gt; My model still hangs at the &quot;mini_inquiry&quot; stage. Switching on
<EM>&gt; [snapscan] mini_inquiry
<EM>&gt; [sanei_scsi] scsi_req_enter: entered 0x80505b8
<EM>&gt; [sanei_scsi] sanei_scsi.issue: 0x80505b8
<EM>&gt; [sanei_scsi] sanei_scsi.issue: bad write (errno=62) Timer expired -1
<EM>&gt; [sanei_scsi] scsi_req_enter: queue_used: 0, queue_max: 1
<EM>&gt; [sanei_scsi] sanei_scsi_req_wait: waiting for 0x80505b8
<EM>&gt; [sanei_scsi] sanei_scsi.issue: 0x80505b8
<EM>&gt; [snapscan] mini_inquiry: sanei_scsi_cmd command failed: Error during
<EM>&gt; device I/O
<EM>&gt; Unfortunately, I don't know how to find out for sure whether it's SANE
<EM>&gt; that's at fault or something else in my system. I am using an
<EM>&gt; outdated experimental kernel (2.4.0-test9), though it has worked
<EM>&gt; previously with the older usb-patched sane-1.0.3.
<P>Strange error. mini_inquiry simply sends the standard INQUIRY command
and expects that the scanner returns the standard 36 bytes. Since
INQUIRY is also used by the Linux SCSI system: Does the scanner appear
in the output of &quot;cat proc/scsi/scsi&quot;?
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