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<TITLE>sane-devel: [snapscan] Status on Acer 640BU tests</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Chris Bagwell (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="[snapscan] Status on Acer 640BU tests">
<H1>[snapscan] Status on Acer 640BU tests</H1>
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Chris Bagwell (<A HREF="[snapscan]%20Status%20on%20Acer%20640BU%20tests&In-Reply-To=&lt;;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Fri Nov 03 2000 - 19:59:13 PST
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I did some more testing with the latest snapscan drivers on sourceforge
and my Acer 640BU. Its probably of some interest to any USB user.
<P>First off, I commited to CVS some minor updates needed to get USB fully
working under sane-1.0.3. Hopefully, Sebastien will make a snapshot
soon for easy download.
<P>Here are some general tips I've found out. For USB support be sure and
edit the snapscan-usb.h file as soon as possible to enable it.
<P>cd sane-1.0.3/backend
[edit snapscan-usb.h]
touch snapscan.c
cd ..
make; make install
<P>Touching the snapscan.c file is important or else the compiler will not
know to look at the changes to snapscan-usb.h.
<P>Next, modify the global snapscan.conf file and REMOVE any reference to
/dev/scanner. Place a reference to /dev/usbscanner and make sure the
/dev/usbscanner really exists in your /dev directory (under RedHat I
made a symbolic link to /dev/usb/scanner0). Its best to remove any
existance to /dev/scanner from sane config files and/or your /dev/
directory. If you make a link from /dev/scanner to your usb device then
things like xscanimage will always lock up since most of sane treats
/dev/scanner like a scsi device without seeing if it really is first.
<P>Lastly, DO NOT run scanimage or xscanimage from within the backend
diretory or you'll be using a snapscan.conf file that will not contain
your addition of /dev/usbscanner and will fail to scan. Thats just a
gotcha that kept happening to me.
<P>Thats about it.
<P>With the current CVS software I can scan fine at 150, 300 dpi and
preview modes on my Acer 640BU. 600 dpi will lock up before the scan of
actual image data begins and not transfer any data. Haven't been able
to debug it yet but it appears to be different from the bytes_expected
problem Sebastien has overcome.
Chris Bagwell (mailto:<A HREF="[snapscan]%20Status%20on%20Acer%20640BU%20tests&In-Reply-To=&lt;;"></A>) | Dallas, TX
<A HREF=""></A> | USA
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