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<TITLE>sane-devel: Re: [Fwd: [BUG] Epson 1640SU, xsane preview problem</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Karl Heinz Kremer (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Re: [Fwd: [BUG] Epson 1640SU, xsane preview problem]]">
<H1>Re: [Fwd: [BUG] Epson 1640SU, xsane preview problem]]</H1>
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Karl Heinz Kremer (<A HREF="[Fwd:%20[BUG]%20Epson%201640SU,%20xsane%20preview%20problem]]&In-Reply-To=&lt;;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Fri May 25 2001 - 16:53:14 PDT
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On Fri, May 25, 2001 at 11:18:13PM +0200, Jean-Luc Coulon wrote:
<EM>&gt; Hi Karl-Heinz,
<EM>&gt; I have got some problems with xsane.
<EM>&gt; I think you follow the list so you maybe you are already tuned on !
<P>Yes, I tried to ingore it because you initially said that it was a
Xsane problem, but Oliver pointed out some strange code in my
code :-)
<EM>&gt; The 1st problem was with the preview window, the displayed picture was
<EM>&gt; no always the last one. Oliver seems to have found the problem. Now he
<EM>&gt; has to fix it ;-)
<P>Actually, I cleaned up the EPSON backend as well, the previews do work
now. So far the new code is only available through CVS, but give me
a few more hours and you will be able to download it from my site.
<P>[ ... ]
<P><EM>&gt; I've sent Oliver the result of a preview and he said that there is a one
<EM>&gt; pixel black border around the picture. He suggest I ask you ...
<P>This is odd. I just tested this with my Expression1680, and it works. The
Perfection 1640 has a firmware bug, it delivers the three color channels
in the wrong order. I am correcting for this in the backend, but this
should not create the black line.
<P>Can you send me a scan in preview resolution (probably 50 or 75 dpi) that
shows this problem? Please either email it to me, or make it available
on the Internet so that I can download it.
<P>[ ... ]
<P><EM>&gt; Other thing : I've seen a paper on a photo magazine about a colorimeter.
<EM>&gt; Its name is &quot;Kleobasic&quot;, it is USB and quite cheap (in comparison with
<EM>&gt; what we can found). Its price is about FF 1550 (= Euros 236). Do you
<EM>&gt; know about it ?
<EM>&gt; ref : &lt;;
<P>I am not familiar with &quot;Kleo&quot;, but I am pretty sure you will not be able
to use it under Linux. I have a ColorMouse Too! from Color Savvy, which of
course does not have a Linux driver either, but it has a serial interface,
so I can run the software under vmware. Unfortunately it does not work
with Wine. The USB interface of the Kleo device makes the vmware solution
impossible, so you have to boot into Windows when you want to use the
<P>You don't need a colorimeter if you just want to calibrate your scanner. A
IT8 target and the Scarse software is all you need (<A HREF=""></A>).
You can get a relatively cheap target from <A HREF=""></A>.
<P>Karl Heinz
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