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<TITLE>sane-devel: HP backend slow? / Saned problems</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Shawn D'Alimonte (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="HP backend slow? / Saned problems">
<H1>HP backend slow? / Saned problems</H1>
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Shawn D'Alimonte (<A HREF=";01042400204000.04385@pitr&gt;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Mon Apr 23 2001 - 21:20:40 PDT
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I am trying to use my old HP ScanJet IIp as a network scanner. I have
it attached to an old 386/40 using the original HP SCSI card[1]. A
lineart scan with scanimage takes over 3 minutes. Is this normal?
When I turn on SANE_DEBUG_HP I see a lot of time spent probing the
<P>I tried 'scanimage -d net:erwin:hp:/dev/sga &gt;junk.pbm'on another
machine which takes about 5 minutes to do the scan (again a long pause
at the start, then a slowish scan) but when the scan is done give an
endless stream of 'scanimage: stopping scanner... (sig 13)'. I was
able to scan using XSane over the network once, but it was slow and
eventually crashed with a 'broken pipe'. Xscanimage crashed with
'brokenpipe' during a preview.
<P>The machine is a generic 386SX/40 (No FPU) with 20MB RAM and a 30GB HDD
(Network MP3 server.) running Debian potato with a 2.2.19 kernel. Sane
1.0.4 was built from source. I have no other PCs with SCSI ports (or
ISA slots to put the card in) so I can't try on a faster machine.
<P>[1] Yes, that card does work with Linux. You have to run the DOS
driver (mini400i.sys) to configure the IO port and IRQ before Linux
boots. I use a floppy w/ DOS, the driver, loadlin and the kernel on
it. Read /usr/src/linux/drivers/scsi/README.g_5380 for configuration
info. Give it the ncr_53c400a=1 option when loading.
Shawn D'Alimonte <A HREF=";01042400204000.04385@pitr&gt;"></A>
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