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<TITLE>sane-devel: Re: transparency scanner adapters</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Deiters (ukd@xenon.pc.Uni-Koeln.DE)">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Re: transparency scanner adapters">
<H1>Re: transparency scanner adapters</H1>
<!-- received="Sun Mar 18 09:46:00 2001" -->
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<!-- subject="Re: transparency scanner adapters" -->
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Deiters (<A HREF="mailto:ukd@xenon.pc.Uni-Koeln.DE?Subject=Re:%20transparency%20scanner%20adapters&In-Reply-To=&lt;200103181749.SAA08009@xenon.pc.Uni-Koeln.DE&gt;"><EM>ukd@xenon.pc.Uni-Koeln.DE</EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Sun Mar 18 2001 - 09:49:41 PST
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The problem with the &quot;triangles&quot; are these:
<P>- Your flatbed scanner has a limited optical resolution. A slide is
&nbsp;&nbsp;25 mm wide; if you scan that at 600 dpi, this is equivalent of
&nbsp;&nbsp;scanning a full page (A4 or Letter format) at 75 dpi.
&nbsp;&nbsp;So you will not see fine details of the slide!
<P>- If you have framed slides, they will not be lying flat on the
&nbsp;&nbsp;scanning glass, and hence be slightly out of focus.
<P>- The light distribution within the &quot;triangle&quot; is not perfect.
<P>Much depends on what you want to use the scans for: If you merely
want to have a few gifs for your home page, the triangle is OK.
But for quality output, for making prints, or for archiving you
want to have at least 2400 dpi resolution.
<P>You can purchase a film scanner (HP, Canon, Nikon) or a flatbed
scanner with a slide tray (or at least a changeable optic system)
<P>I tried the &quot;triangle&quot; and finally settled for the Canon film scanner.
<P>Ulrich Deiters
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