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<TITLE>sane-devel: Re: snapscan, problem in color mode : horizontal sh</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Sebastien Sable (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Re: snapscan, problem in color mode : horizontal shift">
<H1>Re: snapscan, problem in color mode : horizontal shift</H1>
<!-- received="Wed Feb 7 05:57:31 2001" -->
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<!-- subject="Re: snapscan, problem in color mode : horizontal shift" -->
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Sebastien Sable (<A HREF=",%20problem%20in%20color%20mode%20:%20horizontal%20shift&In-Reply-To=&lt;;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Wed Jan 10 2001 - 01:59:24 PST
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<A HREF=",%20problem%20in%20color%20mode%20:%20horizontal%20shift&In-Reply-To=&lt;;"></A> writes:
<P><EM>&gt; Hi all,
<EM>&gt; I own an AGFA snapscan 310, which works fine under windows. It works
<EM>&gt; also fine under Linux using SANE but only in LineArt and
<EM>&gt; GreyScale. In color mode, I get an horizontal shift. After let's 30
<EM>&gt; perfectly scanned lines, (even without chroma offset), the next 30
<EM>&gt; lines are shifted right by around 30 dot, also appreas some chroma
<EM>&gt; offset, and so on, periodically I get a block of lines without
<EM>&gt; chroma offset, but still shifted right compared to the previous
<EM>&gt; 30-lines-group of scanned lines.
<P>Your problem is probably corrected by the latest snapscan version
available at:
<P><A HREF=""></A>
S<EFBFBD>bastien Sabl<62> &lt;<A HREF=",%20problem%20in%20color%20mode%20:%20horizontal%20shift&In-Reply-To=&lt;;"></A>&gt;
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