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<TITLE>sane-devel: Re: xscanimage -g (a new problem)</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Henning Meier-Geinitz (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Re: xscanimage -g (a new problem)">
<H1>Re: xscanimage -g (a new problem)</H1>
<!-- received="Mon Dec 18 12:32:22 2000" -->
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Henning Meier-Geinitz (<A HREF=";;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Mon Dec 18 2000 - 12:07:23 PST
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<P>On Mon, Dec 18, 2000 at 06:20:11PM +0000, Olly Edgar Mctwist wrote:
<EM>&gt; I have sane(1.01) working fine,
<P>1.01 is really old. I'm pretty sure that it has lots of bugs.
<P><EM>&gt; in the aspect that xscanimage and
<EM>&gt; scanimage etc. work great. I have gimp/ gimp-dev(1.04) installed. I
<EM>&gt; configure spits out looking for gimp.h...yes. Then I run make,
<P>If configure finds the header I'm pretty sure that it's there.
Probably in /usr/include/libgimp/gimp.h or /usr/local/include/libgimp/gimp.h.
<P><EM>&gt; everything compiles fine.
<P>look for the output when xscanimage.c is compiled/linked. There should be a
&quot;-lgimp&quot; in the compiler line. Try &quot;nm /usr/local/bin/xscanimage | grep gimp&quot;.
This should show all references to gimp functions in the xscanimage
<P><EM>&gt; Make install, great. xscanimage -g spits out
<EM>&gt; no gimp support!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<P>This is misleading. The -g option shouldn't be used manually. Just try
to start xscanimage by gimp (put a link to xscanimage into
<P><EM>&gt; note: I did a find / gimp.h on my system and turned up nothing. The
<EM>&gt; complete sources for gimp do not include this file either
<P>I'm sure they do. Try 'locate gimp.h' or 'find / -name &quot;gimp\.h&quot; -print'
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