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<TITLE>sane-devel: Re: new patch for HP OfficeJet support</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="David Paschal (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Re: new patch for HP OfficeJet support">
<H1>Re: new patch for HP OfficeJet support</H1>
<!-- received="Sat Nov 25 03:41:23 2000" -->
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> David Paschal (<A HREF=";200011251203.EAA06803@axel.local&gt;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Sat Nov 25 2000 - 04:03:23 PST
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Hi, Henning.
<P>Henning Meier-Geinitz wrote:
<EM>&gt; I don't know JetDirect. Is the scanner connected to the JetDirect
<EM>&gt; server by a parport cable and the server by ethernet to the computer?
<EM>&gt; In this case use Parport (ECP) and add something like &quot;JetDirect
<EM>&gt; servers also supported&quot; to :comment.
<EM>&gt; If there is a network port on the scanner itsself
<EM>&gt; :interface &quot;Parport (ECP), Ethernet&quot; (or JetDirect instead of
<EM>&gt; Ethernet) would be ok.
For currently supported MFPs and JetDirects, the peripheral is connected to
a parallel port on an external JetDirect print server, which is connected to
a LAN via ethernet or token ring. There are also internal card versions of
JetDirects which plug into a special slot on a variety of HP printers,
especially high-end laser printers.
<P>How does this sound, to keep it relatively generic?
:model &quot;HP OfficeJet Pro 1150C&quot;
:interface &quot;Parport(ECP) JetDirect&quot;
:url &quot;<A HREF=""></A>&quot;
:model &quot;HP OfficeJet Pro 1170C/1175C&quot;
:interface &quot;Parport(ECP) JetDirect&quot;
:url &quot;<A HREF=""></A>&quot;
:model &quot;HP OfficeJet R series/PSC500&quot;
:interface &quot;Parport(ECP) JetDirect&quot;
:url &quot;<A HREF=""></A>&quot;
:model &quot;HP OfficeJet G series&quot;
:interface &quot;Parport(ECP) JetDirect&quot;
:url &quot;<A HREF=""></A>&quot;
:model &quot;HP OfficeJet K series&quot;
:interface &quot;Parport(ECP) JetDirect&quot;
:url &quot;<A HREF=""></A>&quot;
:comment &quot;partial support -- requires extra steps to scan successfully&quot;
<P>Is it appropriate to put the URL after each model? Running sane-desc.el
on this seems to produce reasonable output, where each OfficeJet model can
be clicked through to the OfficeJet Linux driver project page.
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