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<TITLE>sane-devel: The problem of xscanimage by CanoscanFB620S</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Mitsuru$B!!(BOkaniw (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="The problem of xscanimage by CanoscanFB620S">
<H1>The problem of xscanimage by CanoscanFB620S</H1>
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<!-- subject="The problem of xscanimage by CanoscanFB620S" -->
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Mitsuru$B!!(BOkaniw (<A HREF=";000001c02dde$1c475380$6425530a@necpcuser&gt;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Tue Oct 03 2000 - 21:13:31 PDT
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I'm trying to work xscanimage by CanoscanFB620S properly.
The problem of xscanimage by CanoscanFB620S is that
the scanimage made by FB620S is not a normal image.
The image is the diagonal stripes against black.
I tried to look up the debug-file and I thought that the cause of
the diagonal stripes scanimage was a difference between
number of 'bytes_per_line' and number of bytes of
'sanei_scsi_req_wait'. I think the number of 'bytes_per_line' must be equal
to the number of bytes of 'sanei_scsi_req_wait'.
Is my thought wrong?
Would anybody teach me the part of sane program which I change
to fix the difference of 'bytes_per_line' and 'sanei_scsi_req_wait'
if my thought is not wrong.
Would anybody teach me the way of fix the difference.
<P>The problem parts of the debug-file are as follows.
[canon] sane_get_parameters: xres='75', yres='75', pixels_per_line='637',
bytes_per_line='1911', &lt;==== Look at this number !
[canon] &lt;&lt; sane_get_parameters
[dll] set_io_mode(handle=0x8099990,nonblocking=1)
[canon] &gt;&gt; sane_set_io_mode
[canon] &lt;&lt; sane_set_io_mode
[dll] read(handle=0x8099990,data=0xbfffcc1c,maxlen=8192,lenp=0xbfffcc18)
[canon] &gt;&gt; sane_read
[canon] &gt;&gt; read_data
[sanei_scsi] scsi_req_enter: entered 0x8080e28
[sanei_scsi] sanei_scsi_req_wait: waiting for 0x8080e28
[sanei_scsi] sanei_scsi.issue: 0x8080e28
[sanei_scsi] sanei_scsi_req_wait: read 8228 bytes &lt;==== Look at this number
[canon] &lt;&lt; read_data
[canon] &lt;&lt; sane_read
[dll] read(handle=0x8099990,data=0xbfffcc1c,maxlen=8192,lenp=0xbfffcc18)
Mitsuru Okaniwa
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