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<TITLE>sane-devel: problems with 1.0.3 and color scanning</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Lawrence Glaister (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="problems with 1.0.3 and color scanning">
<H1>problems with 1.0.3 and color scanning</H1>
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Lawrence Glaister (<A HREF=";002801c0238e$d90fe680$bf0aa8c0@dufusiii&gt;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Wed Sep 20 2000 - 22:43:19 PDT
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I am trying to get sane 1.0.3 working with my snapscan 1212u usb scanner.
The scanner works properly under 1.0.1 but fails in various ways under 1.0.2
and 1.0.3 and the cvs code as of sept 19. I have narrowed the problem down
to the snapscan-sources.c RGBRouter_remaining() function.
- grayscale scanning works fine
- color scanning a small image at 50dpi works
- color scanning same image at 75dpi breaks xscanimage
by broken, I mean that xscanimage enters into an infinite loop using 100%
cpu time.
the cause for this appears to be a negative result returned by
RGBRouter_remaining(). There are two possible return values calulated in
RGBRouter_remaining() and one of them always looks like the correct
answer... the problem comes in that the conditional used doesn't seem to
work in all cases (sometimes the wrong value is returned and when this
is -ve, all hell breaks loose.). I have been getting a headache trying to
decipher how the new RGBRouter code is supposed to work... could the author
(pere) or someone have a look at the function and see if they see any
obvious errors. I have not seen a lot of postings about 1.0.3, so the
problem may be related only to the snapscan backend with a usb patch applied
to it.
I can supply some rather detailed dumps of the good scans and bad scans as I
have added a lot of dbg calls into the snapscan code.
<P>Are there any snapscan scanners usb or scsi out there working with sane
Lawrence Glaister VE7IT email: <A HREF=";002801c0238e$d90fe680$bf0aa8c0@dufusiii&gt;"></A>
1462 Madrona Drive <A HREF=""></A>
Nanoose Bay BC Canada
V9P 9C9
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