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<TITLE>sane-devel: backtracking problem</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Ivo (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="backtracking problem">
<H1>backtracking problem</H1>
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Ivo (<A HREF=";;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Tue Sep 19 2000 - 15:13:13 PDT
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I'd like to report a problem with backtracking and ask you for advice.
<P>Here's the information:
<P>- Scanner name: ScanMagic 9636 S
&nbsp;&nbsp;(but it's recognized as a Mustek ScanExpress 12000SP by SANE-- why?)
- Debug output from scanimage:
<P>[sanei_debug] Setting debug level of mustek to 4.
[mustek] SANE Mustek backend version 1.0 build 96 (SANE 1.0.3)
[mustek] sane_init: reading config file `mustek.conf'
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 7: trying to attach `scsi MUSTEK * Scanner'
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 9: option buffersize ignored, was set before any device name
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 10: option lineart-fix ignored, was set before any device name
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 12: trying to attach `scsi SCANNER'
[mustek] attach: trying device /dev/sgc
[mustek] dev_open: /dev/sgc is a SCSI device
[mustek] dev_open: wanted 8 kbytes, got 8 kbytes buffer
[mustek] attach: SCSI Vendor: `SCANNER ' Model: ` ' Rev.: `2.02'
[mustek] attach: SCSI Type: Scanner; ANSI rev.: 1
[mustek] attach: SCSI flags:
[mustek] attach: inquiry output:
[mustek] 06 00 01 01 5b 01 00 00 53 43 41 4e 4e 45 52 20 ....[...SCANNER
[mustek] 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
[mustek] 32 2e 30 32 4d 55 53 54 45 4b 20 20 20 43 30 36 2.02MUSTEK C06
[mustek] 20 53 31 32 49 44 57 4d 31 32 33 37 39 37 01 40 S12IDWM123797.@
[mustek] 01 03 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
[mustek] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ff ................
[mustek] attach: found Mustek scanner (new firmware format)
[mustek] attach: old firmware revision system
[mustek] attach: firmware revision 2.02
[mustek] attach: scanner id: C06 S12IDW
[mustek] attach: this is probably a ScanExpress series scanner
[mustek] attach: this is a single-pass scanner
[mustek] attach: found Mustek ScanExpress 12000SP flatbed scanner, 1-pass, SE
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 14: buffersize set to 1024 kb for /dev/sgc
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 15: enabling lineart-fix for /dev/sgc
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 17: trying to attach `/dev/scanner'
[mustek] attach: trying device /dev/scanner
[mustek] dev_open: Invalid argument: can't open /dev/scanner as a SCSI device
[mustek] dev_open: Invalid argument: can't open /dev/scanner as an AB306N device
[mustek] dev_open: can't open /dev/scanner
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 19: option buffersize ignored, was set before any device name
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 20: option lineart-fix ignored, was set before any device name
[mustek] sane_get_devices
device `mustek:/dev/sgc' is a Mustek ScanExpress 12000SP flatbed scanner
[mustek] sane_exit
<P>- Problem description:
&nbsp;&nbsp;I've managed to get the SCSI ISA card working with the g_NCR5380 driver and
&nbsp;&nbsp;ncr_addr=0x280 dtc_3181e=1 options. Scanning was very slow, so I changed the
&nbsp;&nbsp;USLEEP_SLEEP value to a minimum (1). I also changed USLEEP_WAITLONG define to
&nbsp;&nbsp;1. Now the speed is bearable, but with color scans, backtracking occurs. I've
&nbsp;&nbsp;tried everything I could find on the Mustek troubleshooting page. The SCSI
&nbsp;&nbsp;buffersize SG_BIG_BUFF in /usr/include/scsi/sg.h has been set to 130560
&nbsp;&nbsp;(prior to compiling SANE) and as you can see in the debug output, buffersize
&nbsp;&nbsp;is increased to 1024 kb by the mustek backend. Still, backtracking occurs the
&nbsp;&nbsp;same. Force backtracking and scan speed options do not seem to be available
&nbsp;&nbsp;for this scanner (have not seen them configurable in xsane) and increasing
&nbsp;&nbsp;dpi by one does not help. I'd like very much to eliminate this backtracking
&nbsp;&nbsp;problem. Apart from this, I've seen only good things from this scanner, SANE
&nbsp;&nbsp;and the mustek backend.
<P>Hoping to hear from you,
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