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<TITLE>sane-devel: Re: Mustek 600IICD DTC3181E or 53c810</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="abel deuring (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Re: Mustek 600IICD DTC3181E or 53c810">
<H1>Re: Mustek 600IICD DTC3181E or 53c810</H1>
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> abel deuring (<A HREF=";;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Mon Sep 18 2000 - 05:09:00 PDT
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Dario Abatianni wrote:
<P><EM>&gt; The scsi driver
<EM>&gt; recognizes the scanner as &quot;QALLEP&quot; instead of &quot;SCANNER&quot; and it reports a
<EM>&gt; parity error. Is there anything I can do? Unfortunately I don't have the
<EM>&gt; money to buy all kinds of cable adapters (the Mustek has both, a 25 Pin and
<EM>&gt; 50 Pin SCSI connecor), so I would be most thankful if anyone could tell me,
<EM>&gt; which adaptor I have to use to make this work.
<P>Could it actually be &quot;QAALLEP&quot; instead of &quot;QALLEP&quot;?
<P>Obviously, Bit 1 is pulled down to 0:
<P>The ASCII codes:
<P>Q: 0x51 --- S: 0x53
A: 0x41 --- C: 0x43
A: 0x41 (ok)
L: 0x4c --- N: 0x4e
E: 0x45 (ok)
P: 0x50 --- R: 0x52
<P>If your are using a &quot;high density&quot; 50 pin connector, have a careful look
to the connector's pins: Some time ago, I managed to bend one of these
pins so that it did no longer fit into its counterpart.
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