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<TITLE>sane-devel: Re: Microtek Phantom with ppSCSI</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Riku Turkia (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Re: Microtek Phantom with ppSCSI">
<H1>Re: Microtek Phantom with ppSCSI</H1>
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Riku Turkia (<A HREF=";001701c00356$d3251ef0$4b8b89c2@sunitjns1&gt;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Thu Aug 10 2000 - 22:41:40 PDT
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----- Original Message -----
From: &quot;Bernard MICHAUD&quot; &lt;<A HREF=";001701c00356$d3251ef0$4b8b89c2@sunitjns1&gt;"></A>&gt;
To: &lt;<A HREF=";001701c00356$d3251ef0$4b8b89c2@sunitjns1&gt;"></A>&gt;
Sent: 10. elokuuta 2000 22:13
Subject: Re: Microtek Phantom with ppSCSI
<P><P><EM>&gt; This is also a very good news for me since I passed some time to make my
<EM>&gt; Phantom 330CX working under Linux.
<EM>&gt; Riku, how did you do to succeed. With my scanner, I went far, but
<EM>&gt; finally got an &quot;error during device I/O&quot; (posted on this list 21 july),
<EM>&gt; but I got no answer/comment from the list. (I use microtek2). So I am
<EM>&gt; stopped and must use W9x to obtain images. (I remember that some
<EM>&gt; parameters were mandatory for the definition of the W9X driver which is
<EM>&gt; also a scsi emulator on PP, maybe this is to be taken into account with
<EM>&gt; microtek2?).
<EM>&gt; Regards.
<P>I compiled the kernel (2.2.13) with rather minimal set of features. SCSI
disk and generic support are compiled in the kernel and low level drivers
(ppa, ppscsi, onspec) are compiled as modules. Also parallel port support
(pc-style) is compiled as module because I was aware of the sharing problem.
Parallel printer support and user-space parallel port device driver support
are compiled as modules.
<P>With this message I have attached the kernel configuration I used.
<P>If I have the parport module loaded then onspec module refuses to load. I
don't have anything else parallel port related modules loaded.
<P>The computer I am using with the scanner is an old 486 and I don't believe
the parallel port on the I/O card has any EPP capabilities. Although the
scanner manual (which is rather useless actually) says that EPP must be
enabled it doesn't seem to bother SANE or ppSCSI.
<P>Funny thing is that I tried several times (using three different versions of
the driver) to install the scanner drivers into Windows 3.x/95/NT 4 but only
once I got it working. And even that procedure wasn't repeatable.
<EM>&gt; B.Michaud
<LI>application/x-zip-compressed attachment: <A HREF="att-0090/01-scanner-kernel.ZIP">scanner-kernel.ZIP</A>
<!-- attachment="01-scanner-kernel.ZIP" -->
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