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<TITLE>sane-devel: Re: Nikon Coolscan / LS2000?</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Karlheinz G<>nster (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Re: Nikon Coolscan / LS2000?">
<H1>Re: Nikon Coolscan / LS2000?</H1>
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Karlheinz G<>nster (<A HREF=";00070811564800.00581@molly&gt;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Sat Jul 08 2000 - 02:44:03 PDT
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Am Fre, 07 Jul 2000 schrieb <A HREF=";00070811564800.00581@molly&gt;"></A>:
<P>Hi Dave,
<P><EM>&gt; Red Hat 6.2, Kernel 2.2.14
<P>SuSE 6.3., Kernel 2.2.14
<P><P><EM>&gt; I have tried several ways to use SANE to scan with the Nikon LS2000,
<EM>&gt; and none of them have worked. I'm looking for some advice as to where
<EM>&gt; to go next. I have never tried this scanner with a windows machine.
<EM>&gt; I tried to FTP the sane backend for the coolscan at
<EM>&gt; <A HREF=""></A> but there doesn't appear to be any FTP
<EM>&gt; access.
<P>I tried it also vainly. The last time they updated that side was
two years ago.
<EM>&gt; I tried the modified backend at
<EM>&gt; <A HREF=""></A> and was actually able
<EM>&gt; to download sane-1.0.2_coolscan043.tgz. This compiled fine, but the
<EM>&gt; preview and scan buttons don't seem to do anything. I tried loading
<EM>&gt; the film both before and after hitting the buttons.
<P>My LS2000 works.
<EM>&gt; I tried vuescan at <A HREF=""></A>, and VueScan 5.9t53
<EM>&gt; for Linux. This appears to be more functional than SANE: at least the
<EM>&gt; abort and film eject buttons work fine. I was actually able to get a
<EM>&gt; sort of image from the scan, but it took a really long time, and it
<EM>&gt; did not look very clean. I was not able to save the image or control
<EM>&gt; which image on the negative to scan. This may be because of the trial
<EM>&gt; (unregistered) status of the software.
<P>Thank you for this tip. I am trying it at the moment and it is
working, too. The installation was easy, what was very very nice.
vuescan has more features but the scans take you a longer time.
<EM>&gt; Does anybody out there have an LS2000 working with SANE?
<P>I think you have an SCSI-problem probably with the termination or
the cable-length.
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