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<TITLE>sane-devel: Microtek Scanmaker E3 Plus</TITLE>
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<H1>Microtek Scanmaker E3 Plus</H1>
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> <A HREF=";;"><EM></EM></A><BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Thu Jul 06 2000 - 07:13:53 PDT
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I'm trying to get my Microtek Scanmaker E3 Plus working with sane.
The scanner is recognized by the kernel during boot up with the following:
&nbsp;&nbsp;scsi0 : AM53/79C974 PCscsi driver rev. 0.5; host I/O address: 0xda00; irq:
&nbsp;&nbsp;scsi : 1 host.
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Vendor: IOMEGA Model: ZIP 100 Rev: H.14
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: Direct-Access ANSI SCSI revision: 02
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Vendor: Model: Scanner 300A4 Rev: 3.00
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Type: Scanner ANSI SCSI revision: 02
&nbsp;&nbsp;Detected scsi generic sgb at scsi0, channel 0, id 6, lun 0
<P>When I run find-scanner, I get this:
&nbsp;&nbsp;find-scanner: found scanner &quot; Scanner 300A4 3.00&quot; at device /dev/scanner
&nbsp;&nbsp;find-scanner: found scanner &quot; Scanner 300A4 3.00&quot; at device /dev/sg1
<P>But when I run scanimage --list-devices I get nothing. After setting
SANE_DEBUG_MICROTEK2=128, I get this:
[microtek2] sane_init: Microtek2 (v0.6) says hello...
[microtek2] attach_one: name='# See sane-microtek2(5) for a description of
the options
[microtek2] add_device_list: device='# See sane-microtek2(5) for a
description of the options'
[microtek2] add_device_list: Comment or empty line in microtek2.conf
[microtek2] attach_one: returning
[microtek2] attach_one: name='option dump 1
[microtek2] add_device_list: device='option dump 1'
[microtek2] attach_one: returning
[microtek2] attach_one: name='# option lightlid-35 on
[microtek2] add_device_list: device='# option lightlid-35 on'
[microtek2] add_device_list: Comment or empty line in microtek2.conf
[microtek2] attach_one: returning
[microtek2] attach_one: name='# option no-backtrack-option on
[microtek2] add_device_list: device='# option no-backtrack-option on'
[microtek2] add_device_list: Comment or empty line in microtek2.conf
[microtek2] attach_one: returning
[microtek2] attach_one: name='/dev/sg1'
[microtek2] add_device_list: device='/dev/sg1'
[microtek2] attach: device='/dev/sg1'
[microtek2] scsi_inquiry: mi=0x8077834, device='/dev/sg1'
[microtek2] check_inquiry: mi=0x8077834
[microtek2] check_inquiry: Model 0x90 not supported
[microtek2] attach_one: returning
[microtek2] attach_one: name='/dev/sg1'
[microtek2] add_device_list: device='/dev/sg1'
[microtek2] add_device_list: device '/dev/sg1' already in list
[microtek2] attach_one: returning
[microtek2] sane_get_devices: local_only=0
[microtek2] attach: device='/dev/sg1'
[microtek2] scsi_inquiry: mi=0x8077834, device='/dev/sg1'
[microtek2] check_inquiry: mi=0x8077834
[microtek2] check_inquiry: Model 0x90 not supported
[microtek2] sane_get_devices: attach status 'Error during device I/O'
[microtek2] sane_get_devices: returning
[microtek2] sane_exit:
[microtek2] sane_get_devices: local_only=0
[microtek2] sane_get_devices: sd_list_freed
[microtek2] sane_exit: MICROTEK2 says goodbye.
<P><P>Any ideas?
<P>Jeff Jones
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