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<TITLE>sane-devel: Re: How to support a scanner without documentation</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Simon Edwards (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Re: How to support a scanner without documentation">
<H1>Re: How to support a scanner without documentation</H1>
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Simon Edwards (<A HREF=";;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Mon Jun 19 2000 - 14:57:00 PDT
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<EM>&gt; 3) Windows spy programs: I could only find one such program. It's in the
<EM>&gt; aspisdk from Adaptec (&quot;aspispy.exe&quot;). This program connects to the ASPI
<EM>&gt; layer and records any ASPI commands sent to a device. That's nice, but
<EM>&gt; it doesn't seem to be able to print the buffers sent by drivers. Maybe
<EM>&gt; there are commercial solutions but I couldn't find information about
<EM>&gt; this type of program.
<EM>&gt; I don't know about parallel port and USB spies.
<P>Could I get that from you.
<EM>&gt; 4) Wrapper SCSI dll: I have written a small dll which wraps the Windows
<EM>&gt; winaspi.dll and sends all the SCSI commands and the beginnings of the
<EM>&gt; buffers to a text file. This was pretty helpful for supporting the
<EM>&gt; Mustek Paragon 1200 A3 Pro. It only works if the scanner driver can
<EM>&gt; connect to ASPI complient SCSI adapters and doesn't insist on their own
<EM>&gt; adapter. The wrapper dll is written in Delphi 1 and is for the 16 bit
<EM>&gt; winaspi.dll only (not wnaspi32.dll). If somebody is interested I can
<EM>&gt; email the dll and source code.
<P>ooh ooh, I want that too! This sounds better than 3). You've done well.
<EM>&gt; 5) Disassembling the Windows driver: I have never done this, other people
<EM>&gt; on this list may talk about this. I think it's a lot of work and needs
<EM>&gt; good understatement of assembler and the windows API.
<P>I had a go at disassembling the 'Mirascan.ds' driver that comes with my
Acer 620ST. Haven't had too much success... Haven't had enough time. All
I wanted to do was 'sniff' the SCSI bus and find out how the scanner is
'warmed up'.
<P><P><P>Simon Edwards
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